Message from @Iakovos

Discord ID: 458670957398327306

2018-06-19 16:26:03 UTC  

No one talks about that thing lately

2018-06-19 16:26:48 UTC  

LHC? What is the full name of it?

2018-06-19 16:27:54 UTC  

Are you referring to the huge particle collider?

2018-06-19 16:28:13 UTC  


2018-06-19 16:29:09 UTC  

That's what they used to cause a break in the fabric of space. They haven't done much with it since then because the scientist got scared and shut the project down.

2018-06-19 16:30:52 UTC  

I dont think they really care

2018-06-19 16:31:04 UTC  


2018-06-19 16:31:07 UTC  

Hold up

2018-06-19 16:31:14 UTC  

It would have opened the door for slip-space travel

2018-06-19 16:31:18 UTC  

We have created rips in space?

2018-06-19 16:31:20 UTC

2018-06-19 16:31:22 UTC  


2018-06-19 16:32:04 UTC  

Okay how come we can't get two volunteers to do this out in space?

2018-06-19 16:32:18 UTC  

It could create a black hole >_>

2018-06-19 16:32:56 UTC  

That sounds like the ultimate project honestly.

2018-06-19 16:33:27 UTC  

What about the anti gravity nazi bell

2018-06-19 16:33:40 UTC  

Can i be a space marine like this?

2018-06-19 16:33:41 UTC  

You could unlock time travel.... time accelleration, make someone age faster.

2018-06-19 16:34:02 UTC  

if i sign up for Trump's space force program

2018-06-19 16:34:16 UTC  

It's going to take a few more decades of testing and designing before we could have a working warp engine or slip-space travel.

2018-06-19 16:34:37 UTC  

It's all interesting stuff.

2018-06-19 16:37:26 UTC  

As I said earlier, there are still advancements required before we can go all in.

2018-06-19 16:40:08 UTC  

Too much time has past with no new remarkable technology. Imho its all secret weapons. Possible aliens. Or not. Grain of salt

2018-06-19 16:42:14 UTC  

There hasn't been a war that forced us to advance either. Peace time is great, but it doesn't do well for technological advancement. There is no drive. War usually motivates and forces innovation.

2018-06-19 16:43:05 UTC  

I think all of it went underground to not scare the public.

2018-06-19 16:43:38 UTC  

Who wants to hear about man bear pig

2018-06-19 16:44:10 UTC  

Possibly. I know when the British cloaking tech got leaked, they quickly buried the project and denied all questions by the media.

2018-06-19 16:44:38 UTC  

Cloaking is not stealth...right?

2018-06-19 16:45:12 UTC  

Cloak is actual physical cloak. Stealth is just being invisible to radar

2018-06-19 16:46:23 UTC  

Yeah i just wanted to make sure we on same wavelwngth

2018-06-19 16:47:04 UTC  

But stealth is fake because it only protects agaisnt High Frequency Radar. Low Frequency like the one we had in the Second World War will pick up on it. That is why Russia has built mobile low frequency radar stations.

2018-06-19 16:49:43 UTC

2018-06-19 16:49:47 UTC  

Turn on the gas

2018-06-19 16:51:20 UTC  

So sessions back stabbed trump?

2018-06-19 16:51:27 UTC  

Doesn't matter. If Trump deems it a National Security issue he can bypass the Judiciary and Congress. These 21 Attorneys can go to the nearest camp.

2018-06-19 16:51:48 UTC  

In a letter to sessions @BillClintonFriskyHands

2018-06-19 16:51:57 UTC  

Ahhh sorry

2018-06-19 16:52:31 UTC  

Remember obeezy did the same. I member

2018-06-19 17:01:13 UTC

2018-06-19 17:08:46 UTC  

how long before National Geographic makes a program about dindu rapper shootings