Message from @TheMustardTiger
Discord ID: 459879856964894750
Who's ready to fight
Cause this sounds like a invasion
No mexi pride?
I love invasions of US soil
Soro op?
Everything they do may as well be
How does one call in
Talk to @Deleted User
That little lying bitch
Leftist speak for lies
aka a Leftist speaking
If you want to be a part of the show tonight, message @Deleted User and he'll get you set up.
The ends justify the means
according to the Left
In summary of the stupidity that is 2018.
Liberal playbook:
On gun control: exploit the dead
On illegal immigration: exploit children
They love to step over people on their road to power
How so
What did wiki say on trump
Wikileaks doxxed 1300 ice agents
That wasn't Wikileaks
That was leftist talking shit about tariffs. Saying he’s stealing from other countries to pay for his tax cuts
Wikileaks claiming
Last i saw anyway
Its easy to throw someone 10-20 thousand dollars to make people change their minds
I don't see anything about them leaking the agents private info
It’s wikileaks
They provided a researchable database of public info
They aren't attacking them from what I'm reading. Looks like they're trying to provide info on why the ICE agents do what they do.
>public info
Problem is...?