Message from @Wulfolme
Discord ID: 528383632360865830
Gotcha. Makes sense.
_Come to Tims discord and learn something new_
thimerosal is ethylmercury, which your body can filter out. **m**ethylmercury is the kind that kills you
So it was mercury based, not mercury itself
methyl alcohol is the grain alcohol, correct?
Mercury solutions
not really? drinking alcohol is ethyl
Science is hard.
Did you know that the same element in water can be found in cyanide?
Ergo, water is bad and should be avoided.
Hence why I asked the corrolation why it's dangerous like methylmercury
Not news but relevant
methyl alcohol only occurs in moonshine or such by accident, and it kills you
Which is why distilling is regulated
yes, that scientist was working with dimethylmercury. killed her right through a rubber glove
Absorption through the epidermis
so you can understand people's concern.
but ethylmercury doesn't do any of those things
The ignorant minority made too much noise about "Muh mercury"
If i owned a garden snake, and you try to use a black mamba as evidence as why i shouldn't have *my* snake, i also wouldn't understand your concern.
The problem there is someone just cries SNAKE and doesn't listen to any further details.
my quip about concern was unhelpful
Its ok, i'm frequently unhelpful.
```An elected official in my state said "mansplaining"...```
Condolences for living there...
Tim cover people refusing service and assaulting trump supporters
illegal immigrant murdered officer who was a legal immigrant
chief blames sanctuary state laws
@grant because its true. An illegal immigrant hit my uncle paralyzed and basically ruined his entire life he can barely walk or talk. Hes fucked. Guy got off on a DUI driving a 16 wheeler for 5k bail and left california
Sanctuary laws afford more rights to non citizens than citizens get
oh i agree. L.A. county sheriff chief said same thing.
Sometimes i feel like the only solution is a return to old west style law.
Someone wrongs you, you take the law into your own hands.
The Sanctuary Laws will have to be judged by SCOTUS
And I hope that the ones enforcing the Sanctuary laws will be held responsible. But I wouldn't hold my breath on that....
They can abolish sanctuary laws but gl holding local office accountable. You can force resignation for them signing in unconstitutional laws but you cant get them jailed I dont think. Not unless you prove it was malicious
Cortez is also either the most idiotic public figure I know of (beating out Macron and Trump, which is somewhat impressive) or an actually malicious genius in the same vein as trump, and using this bad press to keep her in the limelight
honestly I was born in Cali, and watching it slide downhill... at this point, I'm waiting for an intervention
I hope it doesn't come to that. After all, I have a lot of family and friends down there.
By intervention I'm expecting vali to collapse it's own economy and need to be bailed out by the government, and that the government makes it sting.
Though even that has issues...