Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 463850570369990666

2018-07-03 23:30:28 UTC  

Also, I'm willing to bet none of them have actually talked to an illegal immigrant in their lives or have gone to a ghetto in their lives.

2018-07-03 23:30:43 UTC  

Can thanos just kill all dems rn

2018-07-03 23:30:52 UTC  

imagine wanting to abolish prisons

2018-07-03 23:31:27 UTC  

It's like they think there's no cops, prisons, tax etc in communism

2018-07-03 23:32:07 UTC  

Most of them are sheltered, middle-class kids who have probably never seen nor dealt with people before.

2018-07-03 23:32:16 UTC  


2018-07-03 23:32:23 UTC  

That's why they usually look weird

2018-07-03 23:32:30 UTC  

Acne ridden skeletons

2018-07-03 23:32:56 UTC

2018-07-03 23:32:59 UTC  

Meanwhile, I worked overnight at a boarding house where I had to deal with one lady who was schizophrenic and was filled with people who'd been in jail at least once.

2018-07-03 23:33:17 UTC  


2018-07-03 23:33:22 UTC  

Sorry m9

2018-07-03 23:33:36 UTC

2018-07-03 23:33:37 UTC  

This dude

2018-07-03 23:33:44 UTC  

I would not expect to hear that from you @Little Boots

2018-07-03 23:33:54 UTC  

This dude has never had sex

2018-07-03 23:34:11 UTC  

It wasn't too bad, since a good portion of them were actually decent human beings.

2018-07-03 23:34:12 UTC  

That guy has never seen or even dreamed of a tiddy

2018-07-03 23:34:23 UTC  

funny how dudes living in their parents' basements who don't own anything are the ones bitching about abolishing property

2018-07-03 23:36:09 UTC  

They want free shit

2018-07-03 23:36:33 UTC

2018-07-03 23:36:37 UTC  

there are just too many college educated people right now tbh

2018-07-03 23:36:55 UTC  

knowing only theories, no experience with actually doing things

2018-07-03 23:37:31 UTC  

pretty sure in today's world spending 4+ years of your life in university actually makes it harder to find a career

2018-07-03 23:37:36 UTC  

It does

2018-07-03 23:37:43 UTC  

I went two years and didn't learn shit

2018-07-03 23:37:49 UTC

2018-07-03 23:38:03 UTC  

I'd much rather have spent that time in the workforce, making money instead of spending money

2018-07-03 23:38:13 UTC  

i went to school and ended up working in IT in an area where i didn't need a degree anyway

2018-07-03 23:38:30 UTC  

literally i'm just 5 years behind where i could be if i'd have just started doing that out of high school

2018-07-03 23:38:45 UTC  

Just remember, being short doesn't make you into a soy boy. William Mahone was 5'4, but was tougher than nails.

2018-07-03 23:39:03 UTC  

I'm not particularly tall, 5'10"

2018-07-03 23:39:08 UTC  

more than 5 years if you count all the debt i now have to pay off, lol

2018-07-03 23:39:20 UTC  

i'm not tall at all, but i am fairly certain i got my great grandfather's genes

2018-07-03 23:39:26 UTC  

I drank a bit of soy milk, dunno what the hype is, shits not that good

2018-07-03 23:39:43 UTC  

I guess it's about exploiting cows, not really sure

2018-07-03 23:39:45 UTC  

because my dad is 6 foot 1, but his mother's father was 5 foot 8

2018-07-03 23:40:17 UTC  

I stand at 6'3. Tall Autismos should be feared the most

2018-07-03 23:40:29 UTC  

Wife drinks the shit by the gallon, but it's okay for women to consume that, estrogen supports big tiddies

2018-07-03 23:40:58 UTC  

i'm content with being 5'8" and not hitting my head on things

2018-07-03 23:41:03 UTC  
