Message from @TheKekscernist
Discord ID: 467500873799434250
Not as weird as the NBA player “Bogdan Bogdanivic”
I'd venture a guess that if we started executing child molestors, they'd understand our culture pretty fast
all pedophiles should die
electric chair
burn them at the stake
have public viewings
Crucifixion and burn them after 3 days
Just when they are about to die of dehydration
I like the way you think
Possibly in a field with fire ants
yo bro, I hear you like fire
I like to dabble
Favorite army in Dawn of War
best RTS game
Sisters were broken because of their fire though
No one could tank through all that morale damage really
oh man that reminds me of a /pol video on a 40k battle XD i can find it and post it if your intrested
lol so much flame
Love hearing the noteworthy campaigns
the first video is a backstory then the 2nd goes on with it
Ken The Legend!
Yeah that was just character creation. Thats pretty nuts but honestly played fairly realistically in this case.
and your main story starts here lol have fun
5 of them? Ill watch later
It has a 1d4chan page and Ive never seen it?
Thats weird
what the fuck ????????????? xdd