Message from @Dumpstertron
Discord ID: 468668808316583936
Tom gonna go live soon
on GET 2?
okay gotcha
Hope he has a couple beers with us
This is just becoming a nuisance this rubbish.
But we can't now down
This only makes us angrier
Good! It should do, I hope everyone is getting angrier.
Rage against the zucc
that picture is me
Ok my bad, main page Zucced!!! I'm retarded
No worries man. Even I wasnt sure at first till I hit "View as page visitor"
Wouldnt even let me
@everyone make sure to reacc and share this post so it gets maximum coverage
This group is 20% @everyonè
Oh shit lmao
Please don’t bash my head in
See what you do is ping then delete the post
alright men
time to settle this zucc business once and for all
we need to retaliate
and make it big
I want this shit on the fuckin News damn it
I want what we do to be so trememdous, it will go down in history like the /pol/ Tumblr wars of 2014
let's do it lads
Are we finally going to war
Cuz that's cool
Has the crusade finally begun