Message from @Andrules

Discord ID: 522484870094782484

2018-12-12 18:03:45 UTC  

The coup failed, a lot of people went to prison, the 1st Foreign Parachute Regiment was disbanded, and the Legion was moved to the mainland where the government could keep a close eye on them.

2018-12-12 18:03:54 UTC  

Soon they may realize that was a mistake.

2018-12-12 18:04:54 UTC  

The french army doesn't mess around. if they revolt. Macron will be in deep trouble.

2018-12-12 18:06:00 UTC  

People love to make fun of them but almost every joke is entirely without merit.

2018-12-12 18:08:54 UTC  

They are very good soldiers, they drink a lot even on deployment, they are very athletic and aggressive, they still use corporal punishment, and they have beards.

2018-12-12 18:09:23 UTC  

since becoming a republic its been a 50/50 win lose rate.

ww2 was French leadership completely misunderstanding what type of war they were fighting. as one French General said

"We gathered our tanks and men in a thousand groups of four. The Germans gathered their troops and tanks in four groups of a thousand."

2018-12-12 18:09:40 UTC  

Up until recently French soldiers couldn't get married without permission. Now it's only the Legion that has that rule. I imagine it stopped a lot of marrying strippers etc.

2018-12-12 18:09:53 UTC  

so they overwhelmed every group they encountered

2018-12-12 18:09:59 UTC  

Yeah the whole country got shafted by politicians and generals

2018-12-12 18:10:46 UTC  

Too much WW1 doctrine

2018-12-12 18:11:13 UTC  

Despite that, the French Army continued to fight to the end of the war. Half of them for the Axis, half for the Allies.

2018-12-12 18:14:15 UTC  

And they didn't lose WW1 either. The politicians on all sides just threw their lives away. Nobody won that. Not the French, British, Canadians, Germans, nobody.

2018-12-12 18:16:07 UTC  

By Allah if you call this journalism

2018-12-12 18:43:48 UTC

2018-12-12 18:45:18 UTC  


2018-12-12 18:45:58 UTC  

BuT hE’s BoRn FrEnCh!! 🙄🤣

2018-12-12 18:46:59 UTC  


2018-12-12 18:48:04 UTC  

“You are about to be culturally enriched”

2018-12-12 18:48:20 UTC  

I knew it was some towelhead when they didn’t release his name.

2018-12-12 18:52:03 UTC  

In canada if the criminal is either arab or native you'll not see the name for a week. in every other case the name will be said before the crime

2018-12-12 18:54:18 UTC  

Yeah exactly lol

2018-12-12 18:54:40 UTC  

I wonder if they know we realize this, or if they just don’t care.

2018-12-12 18:58:36 UTC  

Natives and muslims are the only two minorities really "protected" in Canada. Because the rest were willing to assimilate.

2018-12-12 19:46:46 UTC

2018-12-13 02:51:11 UTC

2018-12-13 03:23:03 UTC  

The black furfag gamer has been doxxed.

2018-12-13 03:24:09 UTC

2018-12-13 03:29:35 UTC  


2018-12-13 03:33:27 UTC  

OMG did y'all see the Monopoly dude in the Google hearing??

2018-12-13 03:35:24 UTC  

I did 😄

2018-12-13 03:38:39 UTC  

Wife thought people actually wear that shit

2018-12-13 03:59:49 UTC  

It started alright

2018-12-13 04:00:14 UTC  

But he got really crazy pretty fast

2018-12-13 04:04:39 UTC  

haha nice

2018-12-13 04:04:56 UTC  

I saw my favorite Jew, Shapiro, share an article about it

2018-12-13 04:05:38 UTC  

Technically... Didn't people actually dress like the monopoly guy in the 1800's?

2018-12-13 04:11:02 UTC  

Yes but even then it was formal wear

2018-12-13 04:26:11 UTC  

That's what I thought, Kane.

2018-12-13 04:26:23 UTC  

gah... reminding me how bad they fucked that series