Message from @saturnsrings

Discord ID: 577160471388487701

2019-05-12 14:29:44 UTC  


2019-05-12 15:14:57 UTC  

@Deleted User you sure she couldn't drive because she's literally retarded, and not because she was high?

2019-05-12 15:23:03 UTC  

@Andrules I don't pretend to be a Jew, I am not a Jew. I am not a weed bro, either. I'm actually informed about the matter and there's literally nothing to suggest that people under the influence of marijuana alone are at any increased risk of crashing. The anecdotal black woman Ragnarok found at a crash that was under the influence of marijuana alone was likely to crash anyway. Lots of people crash because they're just shitty drivers. I wouldn't expect somebody that uses the word "n1gg3r" to expect they be any good at driving.

2019-05-12 15:24:21 UTC  

reduce government where we can, and drivers under the influence of marijuana aren't a safety risk.

2019-05-12 15:26:44 UTC  

high on what? heroin?

2019-05-12 15:27:28 UTC  

stop putting heroin in his weed, then, and he'll stop nodding out on his way home

2019-05-12 15:28:55 UTC  

weed isn't like alcohol. you don't stumble.

2019-05-12 15:32:07 UTC  

Right, could be stumbling because they're on a combination of drugs, and they could look lost because they feel lost and that's the expression on their faces. Marijuana alone literally just doesn't do that in the brain.

2019-05-12 15:34:06 UTC  

When the cops pull a stoned person over that's on the influence of just drugs, the only roadside sobriety test they should fail is an eye tracking test. All other tests should pass with flying colors.

2019-05-12 15:36:06 UTC  

all that walking in a straight line shit, they will pass

2019-05-12 15:37:49 UTC  

so? your trust isn't an objective measure of anything.

2019-05-12 15:38:29 UTC  

especially when you include tobacco. that's just full retard.

2019-05-12 15:40:21 UTC  

changing sides isn't the point of talking to people. sharing information is the point of communication. I get it, you're never going to incorporate factual information into your paradigm.

2019-05-12 15:40:54 UTC  

Now, you didn't say that. You said under the influence of tobacco.

2019-05-12 15:41:44 UTC  

I agree that distracted driving is an extemely serious issue, there's nothing more dangerous than an absent or unavailable driver.

2019-05-12 15:42:30 UTC  

sure, children shouldn't be in any area where people are smoking.

2019-05-12 15:43:58 UTC  

but people under the influence of tobacco have consumed tobacco sometime in the last, approximately, 12 hours.

2019-05-12 15:44:31 UTC  

it's just retarded to alledge they're impaired in any way

2019-05-12 15:44:55 UTC  

Sounds like you don't live in America.

2019-05-12 15:45:03 UTC  

You know, the best country in the world.

2019-05-12 15:49:39 UTC  

but we do trust them with fully semi automatic AR 15's (named that because they're assault rifles, and you're guarenteed to kill a minimum of 15 any time you go out for a mass shooting or your money back)(satire) capable of firing 30 magazine clips in half a second.

2019-05-12 15:49:44 UTC  

at 18

2019-05-12 15:50:59 UTC  

if your parents buy you one, there is no age restriction in most states.

2019-05-12 15:52:51 UTC  

In my state, it's entirely legal to carry around a fully automatic anything practically anywhere you want, open or concealed, without a [oi m8 you got a] l[o]icense for that.

2019-05-12 15:55:08 UTC  

the freedoms here are so overwhelming that I legit am thinking about adding a flintlock pistol to the guns I carry on my person with me every day.

2019-05-12 15:55:31 UTC  

just for shits and gigs

2019-05-12 16:01:10 UTC  

“Hurr durr weed doesn’t impair people” -pretend Jew faggot

2019-05-12 16:02:11 UTC  

as a matter of fact, it doesn't impair them.

2019-05-12 16:05:52 UTC  

Having a dilemma. Need some viewpoints. The whole nigger thing in this community. Is it real? Or is it still just satire and clown world because freedom of speech/everyone calling EVERYTHING racist? Like I get it, it can be really funny because I don’t actually thunk of black people as niggers. But just like me being really Dutch I laugh at all the stereotypes of me because of being cheap, having clogs, all that crap. Same with native Americans, same with Germans, etc. etc. But I still view Germans, Dutchies, Jews, Blacks, Natives, etc all as equal children of God and made in God’s image. Thoughts?

2019-05-12 16:08:28 UTC  

Tralfaz, it's a fact that the average American Black iq is 85, which also used to be the retard cut off line, so half of all of the American ones were at one time considered clinically retarded. In Africa, basically every country's average IQ is under about 70 or under.

2019-05-12 16:09:19 UTC  

That's definitely a source of resentment, and it's a lot easier to ignore that with calling people racist than it is to digest that and incorporate it into a consistent and coherent worldview.

2019-05-12 16:11:36 UTC  

I don’t really think that’s my point. Like the whole stupid “we was kangs!” Meme cracks me up, because they do seem extremely stupid, but the deep seeded root of the issue, does thus community actually view blacks, as a people, as beneath whites from an inherent value standpoint?

2019-05-12 16:11:43 UTC  

I think that’s what I’m getting at

2019-05-12 16:13:23 UTC  

They're definitely a more primitive people, although people nonetheless.

2019-05-12 16:14:15 UTC  

Brit, race isn't skin color. All those middle easterners with dark skin are also caucasian.

2019-05-12 16:56:08 UTC

2019-05-12 16:56:16 UTC  

The religion of peace

2019-05-12 17:09:08 UTC  

i was high once

2019-05-12 17:09:16 UTC  

definitely wouldn't trust myself to drive

2019-05-12 17:09:27 UTC  

all i got was 4 puffs from a pipe

2019-05-12 17:46:11 UTC