Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 580116253155524624

2019-05-20 19:30:17 UTC  

Same, if someone is armed they can shoot him

2019-05-20 19:30:31 UTC  

I'm waiting for the day that antifa and the pigs were will be hanged though

2019-05-20 19:30:36 UTC  

pigs I mean cops

2019-05-20 19:30:54 UTC  

For the first clause, which applies to ordinary people too, armed doesn't always matter

2019-05-20 19:31:00 UTC  

You can shoot an unarmed burglar

2019-05-20 19:31:20 UTC  

Well they can do too, if he is greek. if he is illegal thats another story

2019-05-20 19:31:24 UTC  


2019-05-20 19:31:26 UTC  

the officer will get publicly lynched

2019-05-20 19:31:49 UTC  

We've had issues like that with nigs

2019-05-20 19:32:02 UTC  

Dunno if you remember Darren Wilson, Michael Brown, and Ferguson Missouri

2019-05-20 19:32:12 UTC  

I have heard the names

2019-05-20 19:32:24 UTC  

I don't remember who they are though

2019-05-20 19:33:05 UTC  

Big black dude attacks a cop.

2019-05-20 19:33:08 UTC  

Dindu robbed a gas station, then got stopped by Wilson, dindu tried to take his gun, and lost

2019-05-20 19:33:18 UTC  

Cop killed him.

2019-05-20 19:33:38 UTC  

Media used pics when Brown was like 12

2019-05-20 19:33:58 UTC  

Then all the blacks started saying “his Hanes wuz up mang and he wuz like surrendered and shieet”

2019-05-20 19:34:09 UTC

2019-05-20 19:34:26 UTC  

I remember a clip that there were 2 officers and stop a nigger. The nigger grabbed the gun of the officer and shot him like 3-4 times why the other one neutralized him and I remember an anti-cop american page had cut the clip just to show the police "brutality" on you

2019-05-20 19:34:27 UTC  

Blacks rioted and started burning their own town and stores.

2019-05-20 19:34:52 UTC

2019-05-20 19:35:03 UTC  


2019-05-20 19:35:07 UTC  

But seriously, greek police probably is on the top 3 corrupted organizations in whole EU

2019-05-20 19:35:20 UTC  

MiChAeL bRoWn ThE gEnTLe GiAnT

2019-05-20 19:35:28 UTC  

they have sold their souls for 700 euros

2019-05-20 19:36:19 UTC  

I knew a dude from Romania who did ride along with us

2019-05-20 19:36:28 UTC  

He said eastern Europe is really corrupt

2019-05-20 19:36:44 UTC  

Cops will basically stop people for speeding and then just demand money right there and keep it

2019-05-20 19:36:59 UTC  


2019-05-20 19:36:59 UTC  

Lets say that, I have never seen an american cop to hit and throw a priest from a cliff

2019-05-20 19:37:14 UTC  

while I have seen it countless times in my country

2019-05-20 19:37:30 UTC  

Fucked up

2019-05-20 19:37:31 UTC  

+ the special cop forces were hunting and hitting elderly because the govt told them so

2019-05-20 19:37:38 UTC  

this is some really redpilling stuff man

2019-05-20 19:38:11 UTC  

For once I do enjoy to see antifa throwing molotovs to them, and I'm waiting the day that the military will hang both groups

2019-05-20 19:38:32 UTC  

We have a different mindset here

2019-05-20 19:38:41 UTC  

More like helping people, public service etc

2019-05-20 19:38:51 UTC  

There's exceptions especially in New Jersey

2019-05-20 19:38:57 UTC  

I wish it would like this

2019-05-20 19:39:06 UTC  

Cops playing with kids on the street

2019-05-20 19:39:12 UTC  

they even imprisoned a 90 year old woman here