Message from @DefinitlyNotInsane - NL

Discord ID: 507545130996203520

2018-11-01 13:14:27 UTC  

or the germans agains tthe poles

2018-11-01 13:14:52 UTC  

the netherlands got picked on by almost every big country

2018-11-01 13:15:45 UTC  

Eastern Europeans got treated like shit because of the history with Russia/USSR

2018-11-01 13:16:14 UTC  

Immigrates in general get treatead like shit regardless

2018-11-01 13:16:20 UTC  


2018-11-01 13:16:32 UTC  

its like a hazing ritual to see if you really want to belong here

2018-11-01 13:16:36 UTC  

immigrants aren't a bad thing but mass immigration definitly is

2018-11-01 13:17:11 UTC  

immigrants are fine. Hell, its a sign you are great if they still want to come here knowing they will get treated like shit.

2018-11-01 13:17:57 UTC  

and sometimes, you need them. Your industry grows faster than your population, so you bring in some more people and stop when that grow slows downs or declines. then bring people back in when you can take them

2018-11-01 13:18:01 UTC  

its a problem when they start to impact the work economy, politics and or culture

2018-11-01 13:18:24 UTC  

Although i would like to see us exporting more people to these countries to help them fix themselves.

2018-11-01 13:19:22 UTC  

oh, people need to integrate. you get no where if you don't understand each-other and its stupid to force a larger group of people who already live there to adopt to the new guy.

2018-11-01 13:19:26 UTC  

thats a thing ive always been about is even though i am against mass immigration i still think we need to help people in shit countries i just dont think letting them all continue to shit in our country is the best solution

2018-11-01 13:19:46 UTC  

friend don't adopt to me, i adopt to friends. And we both end up changed a little.

2018-11-01 13:20:33 UTC  

if you take in the best and brightest from other countries, all that is left is the less fortunate in those countries

2018-11-01 13:21:14 UTC  

which is why i'm fine with things like visa where someone can come here, work for a while, learn some skills, then go home and let someone else from your country get a chance to improve.

2018-11-01 13:22:07 UTC  

the mass immigration in sweden is sorta like that cool guy that came into your group of friends and the group just spilt up because the people following the cool guy would do what he liked all the time instead of going with the group mentality you used to have

2018-11-01 13:22:17 UTC  

if that makes even in the slightest bit sense

2018-11-01 13:22:35 UTC  


2018-11-01 13:23:04 UTC  

guy comes in group gets divided over what to do

2018-11-01 13:23:08 UTC  

group splits up

2018-11-01 13:23:09 UTC  

if the cool guy didn't actually care about your group and just wanted more people to join his group

2018-11-01 13:23:50 UTC  

i don't know why america doesn't have an official language yet.

2018-11-01 13:24:31 UTC  

haha or culture

2018-11-01 13:24:35 UTC  

thats a joke\

2018-11-01 13:24:36 UTC  

even if you believe the feds shouldn't have more power, the point of the feds is to enable interstate trade and protect it, so at the very least an official language would be the official trade language.

2018-11-01 13:25:27 UTC  

then if California wants to say Spanish is also an official language, it can.

2018-11-01 13:25:35 UTC  

and it can keep importing Mexicans

2018-11-01 13:25:43 UTC  

for whatever reason

2018-11-01 13:26:29 UTC  

it would be a good idea to have states choose a second language

2018-11-01 13:26:40 UTC  

so french for anything near canada

2018-11-01 13:26:41 UTC  

no wait, its filled with a bunch of rich Hollywood types who need people to clean their houses for pennies on the dollar and are no afraid to sleep outside in a tent city somewhere out of site of their gated communities.

2018-11-01 13:26:46 UTC  

spanish for the lower south

2018-11-01 13:27:35 UTC  

thats a good point, french near canada. Then again, an official language doesn't mean people can't be bilingual. just means this is what is expected everywhere so if you are here, expect it.

2018-11-01 13:28:49 UTC  

just educate kids in two languages but keep english as the official main language but ALSO teach them spanish or french or something that might come in handy

2018-11-01 13:49:10 UTC  

gotta teach kids two languages as they are learning their first

2018-11-01 13:49:16 UTC  

its easiest for them to learn then

2018-11-01 13:49:33 UTC  

lucky for me, the girl i plant to propose to can speak like 7

2018-11-01 13:51:01 UTC  

usefull for when the shits break out and you need to emmigrate

2018-11-01 13:57:21 UTC  

she can understand even more

2018-11-01 13:57:31 UTC  

its freaking ridiculous.