Message from @TheKekscernist

Discord ID: 607919930079182849

2019-08-05 12:51:02 UTC  


2019-08-05 12:51:23 UTC  

I like my Makarov but I also hate it

2019-08-05 12:51:31 UTC  

@wwezombiegod if British faggots would, you know, *leave*, then problem solved

2019-08-05 12:52:11 UTC  

unfortunately the logbook says it was only test-fired once, never used to take out deserters

2019-08-05 12:52:49 UTC  

The CZ-82 manual states, for proper aiming:
"Aim at the center mass of the deserter"

2019-08-05 12:52:54 UTC  

>advocates theocratic absolute monarchy, mandatory gun ownership, agricultural lifestyle
>"You sound just like a socialist!"

2019-08-05 12:53:33 UTC  

@wwezombiegod are you sure you're not a retard you sound like a retard so much

2019-08-05 12:53:42 UTC  

As much as I like the idea of absolute monarchy, I’m not convinced there’s a decent enough leader worth giving total ownership of my life to.

2019-08-05 12:53:42 UTC  

Socialists piss and shit too

2019-08-05 12:53:48 UTC  

Does that make me a socialist?

2019-08-05 12:53:49 UTC  

no, he wants to instate a new monarch, not *get rid of it*

2019-08-05 12:54:09 UTC  


2019-08-05 12:54:09 UTC  

I just farted. I bet a socialist somewhere is farting right now.

2019-08-05 12:54:13 UTC  

socialists do not support monarchy

2019-08-05 12:54:18 UTC  

"You sound like a socialist!"

2019-08-05 12:54:39 UTC  

I already told you who the legitimate king is

2019-08-05 12:54:51 UTC  

You wouldn't even have a Parliament or a PM

2019-08-05 12:55:48 UTC  

@Andrules it's not total ownership, and absolute monarchs were far less dictatorial than modern elected officials

2019-08-05 12:56:23 UTC  

For the first time ever I dropped some major blackpills on my boomer old man about Trump yesterday. He was unable to resist for long. Boomers are the most stubborn, idiot generation ever

2019-08-05 12:56:44 UTC  

They are

2019-08-05 12:56:45 UTC  

"So what, do you want fucking Obama?"

2019-08-05 12:56:55 UTC  

was his best response

2019-08-05 12:57:14 UTC  

@TheKekscernist He would want Killary instead of Trump?

2019-08-05 12:57:27 UTC  

It's a fair point I guess. When forced to choose between the lesser of two evils and all that

2019-08-05 12:57:30 UTC  

oh yes clearly by the way I was talking about Trump I preferred Hillary, according to him

2019-08-05 12:57:53 UTC  

The difference between us and them, is that they can't see anything beyond the current system

2019-08-05 12:58:02 UTC  

@wwezombiegod You bong study history

2019-08-05 12:58:05 UTC  

@wwezombiegod you mean like when yours invented a false religion?

2019-08-05 12:58:09 UTC  

Western Kingdoms were

2019-08-05 12:58:09 UTC  


2019-08-05 12:58:13 UTC  


2019-08-05 12:58:21 UTC  

centralized power existed in the east

2019-08-05 12:58:34 UTC  

with ERE being the crown as an absolute autocratic theocratic state

2019-08-05 12:58:38 UTC  

The only two centralized powers back then were probably China and ERE

2019-08-05 12:58:41 UTC  

with the Emperor being master of all

2019-08-05 12:58:53 UTC  

that didn't stopped them to get ousted from the throne

2019-08-05 12:59:02 UTC  

Christianity did somewhat well under pagan emperors of China

2019-08-05 13:00:42 UTC

2019-08-05 13:01:20 UTC  

Magna Carta was signed under pressure from the barons and the Pope

2019-08-05 13:01:49 UTC  

muh violence against whores

2019-08-05 13:01:50 UTC  

King John was excommunicated and fined by the Church for mistreating his subjects