Message from @Blackhawk342

Discord ID: 509641714491850753

2018-11-07 07:51:48 UTC  

i was thinking this chat was for the midterm election happening atm

2018-11-07 07:52:04 UTC  

or, coming to a close now?

2018-11-07 07:53:31 UTC  

@DanteMenace there is clear reson and goal why they awant to do it.
and stop holding them as some kinkd protected class.

2018-11-07 07:55:09 UTC  


2018-11-07 08:03:31 UTC  

@Jasse You are letting one man talk about how where Jews can survive and turned it into a conspiracy theory on Jewish over lording. If you google this and all it points to is how Jews are creating a white genocide.... <@&398956043427905536> does this fly here?

2018-11-07 08:06:00 UTC  

yes I get how Jewish people are over represented in government and Ivy league schools but that doesn't mean they are over lords they just are successful from Jewish tradition up bringing and support.

2018-11-07 08:06:10 UTC  

that was only one example. there is thousands. and its logical.

2018-11-07 08:06:17 UTC  

Its not logic

2018-11-07 08:06:31 UTC  

You are making a jump of faith and assume intent

2018-11-07 08:07:33 UTC  

If you google this quote its leads to a page about how we need to kill jews,,,

2018-11-07 08:07:50 UTC  

How fucking retarded are you to need a scapegoat

2018-11-07 08:07:56 UTC  

and claim the jews again

2018-11-07 08:08:11 UTC  

The fuck dude.

2018-11-07 08:09:29 UTC  

oh please say something....

2018-11-07 08:10:52 UTC  

so you are saying that over represation is by merit?
and for example in harvard that 4600% over represation is just by merit?

2018-11-07 08:12:21 UTC  

Yeah, if fact I would say that jews are the only people represented by merit. They become our doctor, our scientists, our engineers, because they have people who push them to be better.

2018-11-07 08:12:38 UTC  

I am so sorry that your shit parents never helped you

2018-11-07 08:13:05 UTC  

Ask a fellow white man about what its like to have family that cares

2018-11-07 08:13:21 UTC  

you can't cause they wouldn't hang out with you

2018-11-07 08:14:08 UTC  

did i walk into the jewish question free for all room?

2018-11-07 08:14:13 UTC  


2018-11-07 08:14:17 UTC  

back to politics then

2018-11-07 08:14:20 UTC  

daam you got triggered hard.

but back to topic.

2018-11-07 08:14:42 UTC  

no @Jasse you are a fucking antisemetic

2018-11-07 08:14:57 UTC  

great now stop talking to him

2018-11-07 08:14:58 UTC  

you just posted shit about blaming cali on the jews

2018-11-07 08:15:23 UTC  

and then posted a meme linked to page about how we need to kill them

2018-11-07 08:15:32 UTC  

If you live in in illinois youll likely have to suffer under democratic control

2018-11-07 08:15:43 UTC  

oh yeah. dont criticise chosen people.
daam filthy goy

2018-11-07 08:15:54 UTC  

Though the state was managed into a hold long before this election cycle

2018-11-07 08:16:06 UTC  

Im honestly not sure if anything can bring us out of it

2018-11-07 08:16:29 UTC  

Any major tax increase will just cause more people to run if they can

2018-11-07 08:16:46 UTC  

@Jasse wtf, Your a nut job you are the reason why the shooting in Pittsburg happened.

2018-11-07 08:16:58 UTC  

But other than removing the entire pension plan theres no chance of getting things back on track

2018-11-07 08:17:50 UTC  

Billions of dollars arent going to appear overnight to cover it. Best case itll take about 30-50 years to get it straightened out

2018-11-07 08:18:19 UTC  

see who is using "flawed logic" now😏 @DanteMenace

2018-11-07 08:18:44 UTC  

Dante this is called bait

2018-11-07 08:19:30 UTC  

You shouldve realized that when he posted the image with 3 paragraphs in it

2018-11-07 08:19:48 UTC  

Why? cause the message of the shooter was promoting the concept of white genocide powered by Jews so I have failed logic because you seem to support it.

2018-11-07 08:20:10 UTC  

@Blackhawk342 Oh so if its racist agenda driven it must be fake.

2018-11-07 08:20:24 UTC  

oh okay cause really I was just memeing too