Message from @Ragnarok
Discord ID: 644185867254104095
the seal guy who actually whacked him having fun again?
did I read that right?
Imagine being “right wing Christian” and supporting abortion
I can tell you guys haven't tried yoga. I go to the gym daily and when I tried yoga, it kicked my ass. You use a lot of core strength.
You know why abortion is good? Minorities.
Holy fucking cancer the comments on this
@wwezombiegod would you class yourself as a conservative?
I’m not saying you can’t believe what you want. That’s the beauty of freedom of speech. However I don’t understand how you can be a Christian and support abortion.
However my conservatism is based of the real conservatism in Northern Ireland. Not this Charlie Kirk shit
All abortion should be banned, and women who get abortions should be put to death.
People who support abortion should be put in labor camps.
Another option is ban all but one religion that says you can't do dumb shit
Then you won't have people teaching that it's ok to be a degenerate
I don't mind if less intelligent people have kids. Because if I did then that means I'd be one of the few people in the world who has the right to reproduce
Too much compassion and you end up with liberals
Compassion for murderers, rapists, sand niggers, etc
Instead of a test, eliminate the conditions that make it necessary
Why don't people follow simple law and etiquette?
Let me show you a copypasta that triggered someone here to the ultimate extreme
I'll give you your blackpill of the day kid. If she's used meat, damaged goods, she will never love you. She will never completely be yours. She will always think about some other dudes dick. Not you. You're the consolation prize. And ultimately you were unworthy of her purity anyway, so she too is a consolation prize. Chances are, you'll end up divorced. And because she's a woman and the system favors them, you're going to lose your kids, pay child support and alimony, and be lucky to see your children every other weekend. A decent probability that she will accuse you of domestic violence and the judge will believe her. This means you'll never own a gun again, and are banned from military and law enforcement, forever, without exception. You'll have a protection order, that bans you from ever talking to her or her family and friends, and have to get your kids by a supervised exchange that you will pay for. And every job you apply for, will know about your DV conviction.
There are so many social evils that come from the broken family. And the primary cause of the broken family is degenerate women
Someone here got *extremely* upset about this copypasta, you know who you are
Women are expected to be better and exercise greater restraint
Statistically the man who has multiple sex partners does not have a higher divorce rate, yet the woman does
So while yes it takes two to tango, the effect on society is from the woman, not the man.
Most problems in the black community, which is half of all crime in the US, are strongly influenced by lack of a father
Either he's in prison, or nobody knows who he is
The extreme majority of black women lose their virginity by age 14
Among blacks, virginity is not valued, quite the opposite, black men don't like virgin women
Maybe because their mothers are degenerate sluts, who knows
Sexual abuse is almost to be expected among black girls
African tribal voodoo pagan shit