Message from @RustoKomuska

Discord ID: 513844916087160863

2018-11-18 20:21:33 UTC  

Tim, there can be no gun control debate because there is no debate.

2018-11-18 20:22:00 UTC  

Just like there is no free speech debate. You either recognize that they are rights embedded explicitly into the Constitution, or you are wrong.

2018-11-18 20:22:34 UTC  

And if you look at Europe, you know why you want to have guns.

2018-11-18 20:22:43 UTC  

It's like having a slavery debate.

2018-11-18 20:22:54 UTC  

Just look at Rotherham. Would such a situation be possible if the Population would have been armed?

2018-11-18 20:22:55 UTC  

i'd go further and say that the rights exist whether or not the constitution exists.

2018-11-18 20:23:18 UTC  

A right for humans to arm themselves? Eeehh.

2018-11-18 20:23:22 UTC  

if the radical left seized power and burned the constitution tomorrow, i'd still have my rights.

2018-11-18 20:23:22 UTC  

I wouldn't go that far.

2018-11-18 20:23:35 UTC  

I would. At least for the native population.

2018-11-18 20:23:51 UTC  

i'd have a tyrannical government to fight, but they can't take my rights away. they are inalienable.

2018-11-18 20:24:10 UTC  

Sadly we don't have too many guns in public.

2018-11-18 20:24:57 UTC  

It depends if you're talking about law or philosophy.
There are things that are considered human rights, but that doesn't mean every human on earth has them.

2018-11-18 20:29:08 UTC  

And I wouldn't say that every human has an intrinsic right to bear arms.

2018-11-18 20:29:33 UTC  

They certainly have an intrinsic right to self defense

2018-11-18 20:29:41 UTC  

Yes, I would agree with that.

2018-11-18 20:32:00 UTC  

But what does it really say if someone can deny you from exercising a right through action?

2018-11-18 21:36:13 UTC  

Take an example in Thailand
We aren't allowed to have guns
Then there was a woman stubbing 4 students to death

2018-11-18 22:34:52 UTC  

Question for Tim or whoever idfk its late

2018-11-18 22:35:24 UTC  

Is it really correct to call every retard in the left wing (not that they're all retards) "the regressive left"?

2018-11-18 22:36:14 UTC  

Regressive just seems like a fancy euphemism for "bad" as a posturing to distance yourself and your left wing beliefs from them

2018-11-18 22:36:29 UTC  

If you are advocating for regressive policies then yes.

2018-11-18 22:37:00 UTC  

I think the idea is more so that many on the modern left wish to change things to revert what was previously agreed upon as progress.

2018-11-18 22:37:07 UTC  

yeah but i see it used basically whenever anyone says some random shit like blm extremists or crazt feminists

2018-11-18 22:37:07 UTC  

It's a play own their self labelling of 'progressive'.

2018-11-18 22:37:36 UTC  

Any political term is going to be misused by idiots who just want to insult others

2018-11-18 22:37:42 UTC  

fair point i guess though when you describe it like that it sounds like a petty insult

2018-11-18 22:37:53 UTC  


2018-11-18 22:38:08 UTC  

It's the same as 'cuck' ppl will grab it and run away with it. Thre's nothing you can do to stop that.

2018-11-18 22:39:27 UTC  

the way ive seen it cuck just means someone who lets others walk all over them like migrants taking their jobs or men allowing women to take power at their expense in a similar way to letting them sleep with their wife

2018-11-18 22:39:41 UTC  

though ive also seen it used as a go to insult for general leftism

2018-11-18 22:40:49 UTC  

though with modern democratic party beliefs n shit like with immigration it kinda fits all of them

2018-11-18 22:40:54 UTC  

with some exceptions

2018-11-18 22:42:46 UTC  

The point here is learn not to miss use words. And try not to insult ppl when pointing out there actions or ideas will have the same effect.

2018-11-18 22:42:57 UTC  

Ideas that I would consider 'regressive' would be ones like "Minorities are oppressed so they need their own spaces away from whites" - This is just sugar coated segregation; "Women can't find success in the patriarchy so we need affirmative action to help them" - This is just seeing women as less competent than men; "Men have historically held more power over women, so it's time for women to take total control" - This is just straight up sexual discrimination.

2018-11-18 22:43:21 UTC  


2018-11-18 22:44:41 UTC  

So what you're saying is...we need to keep women in the kitchen to keep them safe? /s

2018-11-18 22:45:04 UTC  


2018-11-18 22:45:34 UTC  

equity is gay

2018-11-18 22:46:04 UTC  

On this, I don't like the way ppl are calling everyone on the left that cuases trouble 'antifa'.

2018-11-18 22:46:36 UTC  

It is being over used and takes the reasonability away from the main stream left.