Message from @Architeuthis

Discord ID: 517040184228052994

2018-11-27 18:07:22 UTC  

the only problem is the government being too big

2018-11-27 18:07:27 UTC  

if the corporation wasn't a person, then any liability could fall directly on the owner

2018-11-27 18:07:36 UTC  

if it wasn't, they would have nothing to "buy"

2018-11-27 18:08:24 UTC  

also, Unions put way more money to buy the government than businesses

2018-11-27 18:08:25 UTC  

instead of going out of business, a person could be sued and lose everything. At some point a corporation becomes too large and makes the people running it untouchable, though.

2018-11-27 18:08:25 UTC  

it needs to be an entity of some kind, but rather than fix the existing problem with definition of a person, we just said "lets make them basically a person"

2018-11-27 18:09:20 UTC  

which then calls into question like: can i take my business papers in the HOV lane with me.

2018-11-27 18:09:30 UTC  

that's something I always wonder about... We have all these problems that just about everyone agrees were caused by government, but people's solutions always involve giving more power to the government

2018-11-27 18:09:31 UTC  

can they spend money under free speech on elections

2018-11-27 18:10:02 UTC  

inb4 "but mah freemarket"

2018-11-27 18:10:32 UTC  

like each president taking a little more power than the ones before, and no one thinks - maybe we shouldn't do that because eventually the other guys are going to be in charge

2018-11-27 18:10:48 UTC  

and they'll wield that same power against us

2018-11-27 18:11:06 UTC  

that's why the left thinks Trump is a dictator =p

2018-11-27 18:11:18 UTC  


2018-11-27 18:11:19 UTC  

coz they put too many eggs in the same basket

2018-11-27 18:11:29 UTC  

Me having all the power = good.

2018-11-27 18:11:39 UTC  

Trump having that exact same power = bad

2018-11-27 18:11:57 UTC  

Orange man bad

2018-11-27 18:12:43 UTC  

I dont suppose anyones encountered the newest leftist talking point of "How dare trump use tear gas on civillians, its banned by the geneva convention!"

2018-11-27 18:12:54 UTC  


2018-11-27 18:13:06 UTC  

tear gas is used on civilians all the time, isn't it?

2018-11-27 18:13:21 UTC  

Indeed it is

2018-11-27 18:13:26 UTC  

I suppose they'd rather him use bullets

2018-11-27 18:13:43 UTC  

They are also correct, but the geneva convention only governs the rules of warfare

2018-11-27 18:14:40 UTC  

yeah, that's more of a rule about not carpeting a city with gas and then rolling through

2018-11-27 18:15:00 UTC  

and against deadly gases like mustard gas and chlorine

2018-11-27 18:15:14 UTC  

I suspect they would, however they could never admit it publicly

2018-11-27 18:15:30 UTC  

liberals get the bullet, too

2018-11-27 18:15:43 UTC  

I think that the thrust of this talking point is similar to what tim was talking about with activist groups

2018-11-27 18:16:23 UTC  

Where radical groups would provoke a police reaction and then recruit moderates/average people who showed up to protest and got caught up in it

2018-11-27 18:16:50 UTC  

They want a higher body count at the border so the case for letting them in gets the moral high ground

2018-11-27 18:17:02 UTC  

(((they))) being leftists

2018-11-27 18:17:28 UTC  


2018-11-27 18:18:19 UTC  

they were excited that a few kids got put in "cages" because that was ammo to use against Trump - never honest compassion and sympathy for the people

2018-11-27 18:21:44 UTC  

Minorities are and always have been pawns.

2018-11-27 18:24:59 UTC  

Gamers are the most oppressed minority!

2018-11-27 18:25:07 UTC  

it's time we RISE

2018-11-27 18:28:37 UTC  

>Geneva convention only counts for warfare
>lefties mad at Trump for apparent violations vs migrants
>yfw lefties call it an invasion too

2018-11-27 18:34:40 UTC  

"how dare trump used banned weapons, THATS OUR JOB!"

2018-11-27 20:14:56 UTC  

I don't really get the "it's not an invasion" idea. Like, it's certainly not a military invasion, and shouldn't be treated as one, but how is that not an apt word to describe a large group of people simultaneously entering an area they're not allowed in?

2018-11-27 20:16:47 UTC  

I can understand that it can be seen as unnecessarily emotional rhetoric to make it seem worse than it is, but it's still accurate by definition.