Message from @DaFaKing
Discord ID: 264123045944360963
I hear the Coast Guard has proof of hacking.
The Lich King...
and his mindless followers are like zombies....truly a scourge...
this really saddens me.
the oven hungers
Don't forget Obama defended the likes of Mike and Trayvon and was proven to be correct... Oh wait.
Oh man, lol.
Obama speech "There is no proof of voter fraud".
Two minutes later...
O'keefe releases video of Voter Fraud.
You can't make this shit up.
Obama never gets it right... but there are some idiots that still believe the shit he spews. Mind Blowing.
lol yeah that was priceless
i remember when he laughed at trump for saying that the election is rigged
he said ''hehe, what does that even mean???''
later : ''the russians rigged it!''
oh man...
Ooopppss.... wrong again.
even libs are reacting like we
That's the YOUNG TURKS
live streaming
His approval rating must be based on how many times he has been wrong.
They are using the same people who ran the election polls.... LOL!
You know it bad when Young Turks are saying some of the same things we are.
Perhaps one day Assange will be able to reveal his source? Going to be funny when everyone finds out it WASN'T the russians.
We are being led by retards.
Yep we have a long way to go , hopefully with normalcy
If that is possible
Well at least we SHOULD be heading in the right direction.
Certainly beats the directions are currently heading in.... down the crapper.
I agree and only hope we have .
Days needs to go by faster to reach Jan. 20th
Drain the swamp....