Message from @Dr.Wol

Discord ID: 465073976167759872

2018-07-07 08:09:49 UTC  

Not real communi-... i mean Nihilism you say????? 🤔

2018-07-07 08:10:19 UTC  

nah you're right, real nihilists wouldn't bother protesting, because "It doesn't matter, we'll die anyway, even the oppressors"

2018-07-07 08:11:06 UTC  

most SJW's just think that their behaviour will get them free things and power

2018-07-07 08:12:15 UTC  

it's also the belief in a value structure, which far lefties and SJW absolutely do have, despite all their moaning about how everything is a social construct that needs to be torn down.

2018-07-07 08:15:03 UTC  

well thats because they're based on lies

2018-07-07 08:15:12 UTC  

"Its okay when we do it" is pretty much their rule

2018-07-07 08:17:57 UTC  

most SJW's are just sold on lies, because they WANT to believe

they don't actually think about how extreme they're doing, because to them its a good vs bad fantasy

2018-07-07 08:21:47 UTC  

I think they believe that it is possible to create an idealistic society where everything works and there are no injustices

2018-07-07 08:22:01 UTC  

Which is pretty much a fantasy

2018-07-07 08:29:20 UTC  

yes, they want to believe

2018-07-07 08:29:41 UTC  

and they justify their behaviour as "It is for the good of all mankind"

2018-07-07 08:31:55 UTC  

I think it is normal for an immature mind to think that it is possible for a utopia, but when I kinda get more mature, I start to see the reality of things

2018-07-07 08:32:19 UTC  

Not sure when those SJW's gonna mature the fuck up

2018-07-07 08:32:28 UTC  

'as for Mean world syndrome, thats afaik, the state where people believe the world is full of bad people, so they are scared of the people etc'
had exchange few days ago and the two people I talked to basically said that yes, given chance, people in the west today would be fine with genocide or whatever historical atrocity you can think of because people are evil to the bone

2018-07-07 08:32:57 UTC  

well thats the truth of growing up,

You start to accept the things you can not change, you start to realise that there must always be sacrifice,

SJW's were always given what they want if they just started screeching loud enough.
Which is why they're doing what they're doing right now

2018-07-07 08:33:05 UTC  

how do you have conversation with someone who believes people are evil and always have the worst intentions..

2018-07-07 08:33:29 UTC  

you tell them its not evil, but selfish pragmatism

2018-07-07 08:33:37 UTC  

half the people in the world are okay with genocide

2018-07-07 08:33:59 UTC  

look at history, its full of murders, genocides, wars

2018-07-07 08:36:30 UTC  

eh, whatever

2018-07-07 08:37:56 UTC  

you don't agree? you think history was just people hugging?

2018-07-07 08:38:21 UTC  

I don't dispute history, I just don't think modern people would be fine with most of what happened in the past.

2018-07-07 08:38:37 UTC  

You haven't been to Africa or the Middle east 😉

2018-07-07 08:39:00 UTC  

I was talking about the west..

2018-07-07 08:39:09 UTC  

Oh the west has them too, plenty of them

2018-07-07 08:39:21 UTC  

its jsut that most hide it better

2018-07-07 08:40:08 UTC  

well, than we are fucked and nothing matters anymore

2018-07-07 08:40:09 UTC  

look at the democrats in America for example,

They're outraged Trump isn't nuking Russia for alleged influence of the vote

2018-07-07 08:40:09 UTC  


2018-07-07 08:40:15 UTC  

Quick question, some people believe that since there is homosexuality in the animal kingdom therefore it normal for homosexuality in humans, then if there is incest in the animal kingdom, would that make incest okay? (disregarding that incest do lead to other health problems of the offspring)

2018-07-07 08:40:23 UTC  

they're outraged Trump is making peace with Kim Jong-Un

2018-07-07 08:40:35 UTC  

I'm officially nihilist now, thanks <:timcat:463067464016855040>

2018-07-07 08:41:03 UTC  

Nihilists are pussies, they don't wanna find purpose in life, they just wanna whine for attention 😉

2018-07-07 08:41:25 UTC  

I'm gonna whine specifically to you for the rest of my life 😉

2018-07-07 08:41:35 UTC  

😂 🔫

2018-07-07 08:42:09 UTC  

and Lucian, those are "technically" okay if humans didn't evolve a society, because nature would sort it out

2018-07-07 08:42:32 UTC  

the bad genes would render them less effective to survive, so they'd die off eventually
And gay people couldn't reproduce, so they'd die off in droves too

2018-07-07 08:42:53 UTC  

but with us able to accomodate through science and society, Its gonna be bad, because it would keep the bad gene pools alive

2018-07-07 08:43:07 UTC  

Its gonna be bad if it becomes a main-thing

2018-07-07 08:43:25 UTC  

don't forget that Incest was common with ancient rulers, because it kept their bloodlines pure (pharao's etc)

2018-07-07 08:44:10 UTC  

and as for Nihilists Senny,

A real nihilist knows his purpose early in life, because then they have no more meaning to find it, they know what they must do

for anyone else, life is about FINDING your place in it