Message from @Karlwaffen

Discord ID: 697879396731584532

2020-04-09 18:32:43 UTC  

1. Quebec server
2. No
3. American
4. Esoteric Hitlerism
5. Fascism
6. Gun control is gay, animal rights are gay and manmade, Freedom of speech is gay because only the truth should be spoken.
7. shit didnt happen
8. based
9. cringe
10. no, i dont use chans
11. ya now let me in faggot

2020-04-09 18:32:53 UTC  

it seems like everybody can do the vetting right except ed

2020-04-09 18:33:06 UTC  

Hey @D O O M G U Y, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-09 18:33:10 UTC  


2020-04-09 18:33:45 UTC  

now im gonna go make some chocky milk, if im not let in by the time i get back, im committing a racism

2020-04-09 18:35:03 UTC  


2020-04-09 18:36:14 UTC  

Hey @Karlwaffen, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-09 18:36:23 UTC  


2020-04-09 18:36:25 UTC  

let us in retards

2020-04-09 18:36:46 UTC  

<@&694061134130446396> <@&694061237436153856> <@&694061325776584765> let me in you fags

2020-04-09 18:36:58 UTC  

if this is the real neinchan i should br known here, im the og amdys

2020-04-09 18:37:23 UTC  

youre the OG nigger

2020-04-09 18:37:35 UTC  

Hey @cyberbot, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-09 18:39:46 UTC  

i hope mausre is here

2020-04-09 18:40:19 UTC  

>1, Quebec Nationalist Party
>2, No
>3, Romanian
>4, Orthodox
>5, A mix of ultranationalism with fascism, and support for the monarchy
>6, Give me a gun, fuck you if you abuse animals and dont let libtards speak
>7, dont know what that is didnt happen
>8, whats that
>9, fucking end those degenerates
>10, no
>11, yessir <@&694061134130446396> <@&694061237436153856> <@&694061325776584765>

2020-04-09 18:40:31 UTC  

Hey @Kilo, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-09 18:42:12 UTC  


2020-04-09 18:42:36 UTC  

let us in the server in the next 5 minutes or jewish

2020-04-09 18:42:58 UTC  

1. quebec nationalism
2. i think i was here, amdys
3 Czech
4 im not really aligned to anything
5 fascism
6 Animal rights are important, gun control shouldnt exist, freedom of speech is important
7 the what?
8 speed up the downfall bro
9 its fucking ew, they should get sterilosed and hanged
10 Yes.
11 Yes.

2020-04-09 18:43:23 UTC  


2020-04-09 18:43:34 UTC  

@Kitty stop pinging jannies retard

2020-04-09 18:43:46 UTC  

i mean it says to ping em

2020-04-09 18:44:13 UTC  

i mean he already pinged them multiple times

2020-04-09 18:44:46 UTC  

Hey @SMG, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-09 18:44:56 UTC  

this server looks like ass

2020-04-09 18:45:28 UTC

2020-04-09 18:45:38 UTC  

Do i answer all this right here?

2020-04-09 18:46:49 UTC  

United Christendom
no i havent
Protestant though i dont believe there should be division in church
Auth Right i guess fascist
1 let me buy a nuke 2 dont know enough on the issue 3 dont infringe
Dont care
Dont care
it should be banned from exposure to the younger generations
yes i have

2020-04-09 18:48:07 UTC  


2020-04-09 18:50:41 UTC  

actually for the homosexual one hand me a stone

2020-04-09 18:50:46 UTC  

I already answered pls let me in :((

2020-04-09 18:51:52 UTC  

@everyone hold on as i vet you all

2020-04-09 18:53:34 UTC  


2020-04-09 18:53:38 UTC  


2020-04-09 18:53:50 UTC  


2020-04-09 18:54:06 UTC  

>1, quebec
>2, no
>3, brazillian
>4, agnostic
>5, natsoc
>6, pro-gun, ambientalist, support
>7, 6 zillion?
>8, no idea
>9, psychological disorder
>10, yes
>11, yes

2020-04-09 18:56:31 UTC  


2020-04-09 19:00:57 UTC  

@EdZ cosmicraft? Never heard of that place, we are not partnered with it

2020-04-09 19:01:19 UTC  

cosmic craft brooo

2020-04-09 19:01:44 UTC  

still does not ring any bells

2020-04-09 19:02:11 UTC  

so should i leave or...?