Message from @Tricky Rick

Discord ID: 697899301648597054

2020-04-09 19:50:55 UTC  

fuck off, we don't need Siegetards around here or LARPagans

2020-04-09 19:51:12 UTC  

because it is cringe

2020-04-09 19:51:29 UTC  

GTFO with your Satanist terrorist shit

2020-04-09 19:51:34 UTC  

Ah, I see.

2020-04-09 19:52:03 UTC  

@Tricky Rick 1v1 me star game magian

2020-04-09 19:52:09 UTC  

Hey @CorporalColorado, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-09 19:52:37 UTC  

if you came here just to start shitfest and shit all over /pol/ then just go away please. i waste my time arguing with fedposters too much @Caesar

2020-04-09 19:53:00 UTC  


2020-04-09 19:53:14 UTC  

Is this a based shitposting server or what

2020-04-09 19:53:28 UTC  

it is a /pol/ server

2020-04-09 19:55:25 UTC  

Oh ok

2020-04-09 19:56:21 UTC  

answer the questions. this is the vetting. i pray no more Siege spergs will come here ever again

2020-04-09 19:58:18 UTC  


2020-04-09 19:58:34 UTC  

I'm national socialist

2020-04-09 19:58:50 UTC  

NS =/= Siege

2020-04-09 19:58:54 UTC  

Siege is a LARP

2020-04-09 19:59:01 UTC  

nothing to do with original NS

2020-04-09 19:59:16 UTC  

too many Siegers are degenerate Heathens

2020-04-09 19:59:57 UTC  

just do the vetting

2020-04-09 20:00:56 UTC  

@Division > Diversity you too must do the vetting

2020-04-09 20:02:39 UTC  

@here reminder that people who did not do the vetting will be kicked

2020-04-09 20:10:44 UTC  

so a bunch of cringey fags joined

2020-04-09 20:10:57 UTC  

What is the vetting?

2020-04-09 20:10:59 UTC  

Hey @Mac, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-09 20:11:25 UTC  

@Division > Diversity the answers given by the bot

2020-04-09 20:12:52 UTC  

these siege fellas want to go full on shooting fellas instead of getting into a position where it can be done without consequences such as when the fascists of italy btfo the mafia so bad all the kosher nostra went to america to cause trouble because they would get popped if they were caught doing anything in italy

2020-04-09 20:13:46 UTC  

I'm not really a siege person

2020-04-09 20:13:48 UTC  

the Siegefags unironically just want apocalypse now and not doing things step by step. they are Anarchists

2020-04-09 20:14:07 UTC  

@CorporalColorado good because we do not tolerate Siege. NS yes but Seej NO

2020-04-09 20:14:09 UTC  

in this globohomo world you have to have strategy

2020-04-09 20:14:16 UTC  

and it has to be close to 6d chess and genius tier

2020-04-09 20:14:22 UTC  


2020-04-09 20:14:30 UTC  

to be able to (redacted) politiicans

2020-04-09 20:14:43 UTC  

brb in 5 min

2020-04-09 20:17:24 UTC  

1. Weeddots
2. No
3. 98% European
4. Protestant
5. Nationalist/Pro secession
6. Pro, neutral, neutral
7. Skeptical
8. Might be the only solution
9. Abomination
11. Yes

2020-04-09 20:17:47 UTC  
2020-04-09 20:19:15 UTC  

>1, from who or from where did you find this server? Another Server.
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then? No I have not.
>3, what is your Nationality? Central American born in america
>4, what is your Religion? Protestant
>5, what is your Ideology? National Socialist
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech? Gun control is stupid. Not too sure what is my insight on animal rights. And definitely Freedom of speech
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust? Never happened but shouldve happened
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism? Based Solution.
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality? Strongly oppose
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard? No I have not.
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them? Yes clearly and honestly

2020-04-09 20:19:46 UTC  

@CorporalColorado the WeedDots one?

2020-04-09 20:19:51 UTC  


2020-04-09 20:19:56 UTC  


2020-04-09 20:20:35 UTC  

1. Quebec nationalist party server
2. No
3. Finnish
4. Agnostic
5. Facism is the closest word for it.
6. Law abiding citizens should have the right to bear arms, we should make sure animals are preserved and protected and not harmed imhumanely and all animal testing should be replaced with testing on the ((())), freedom of speech needs to be protected but people who spread degeneracy should be thrown in the oven.
7. Wasn't as bad as the ((())) are trying to make people think, and they deserved it.
8. Current society should collapse in order for a more stable and prosperous to take place.
9. It's gay
10. Occasionaly I have used them, but not much experience, yeah I understand.
11. I have read the rules and I'm not a troglodyte, so I understand them