Message from @Nani
Discord ID: 698650364672737310
you think we got money?
wow i just said better than most
tiga tiga woods y'aaaaaaaaallll
.yt rock n roll part 2
i miss 2000s golf
shit was legendary
shut up fag
you probably never even played tiger 04
i had Tiger Woods The Masters on wii played on the professional settings with the wiimote swinging
that shit was fun
Wii sports was the only good shittendo game.
Everything else is soy tier.
not true
ok try hard boomer
imagine calling metroid prime soy
oh wait it's a woman
Imagine being Samus
I saw Metroid but half life was cooler
1200 trump bux
@Jewish Gem Goblin I want to go inside that puss
bonbi is a goddess
i would literally put a baby in her
which is not simp
it's rape
you're not worthy shut up
wtf bonbi has a body like that?
never knew it
fuck sake
bonbi only loves me
tactical armpit cover