Message from @Joey4Track (POLEMIC HEART)

Discord ID: 478377826102542366

2018-08-13 01:40:08 UTC  

I gave up on public server online gaming when TF2 went F2P.

2018-08-13 01:40:23 UTC  

@Joey4Track (POLEMIC HEART) i cant get into spelunky but gungeon i could get into that

2018-08-13 01:40:26 UTC  

never played the 1st La Mulana or the HD remake

2018-08-13 01:40:36 UTC  

als finished the valkeria chronicles demo

2018-08-13 01:40:36 UTC  

Gungeon is cool but Spelunky is LIFE

2018-08-13 01:41:07 UTC  

I've been playing Gungeon the last couple weeks on and off. Just finished killing the past of the default characters

2018-08-13 01:41:18 UTC  

takes a few tries to get into Spelunky, its really hard but once you do its the best most perfect gaming experience

2018-08-13 01:41:31 UTC

2018-08-13 01:41:32 UTC  

Rags shouted out Tim Pool

2018-08-13 01:41:45 UTC  

sell me on spelunky cuz it sucks imo

2018-08-13 01:41:45 UTC  

Dead Cells is good if you want a hard platformer.

2018-08-13 01:41:46 UTC  

lol, awesome. i bought a Vita just for Spelunky

2018-08-13 01:41:54 UTC  

yeah Dead Cells is great

2018-08-13 01:42:06 UTC  

But get Risk of Rain for Vita, its so good on the Vita

2018-08-13 01:42:16 UTC  

i might buy dead cells in november after they fix dead cells

2018-08-13 01:42:17 UTC  

Spelunky doesn't 'suck'

2018-08-13 01:42:27 UTC  

you probably suck at it and thats why you hate it

2018-08-13 01:42:32 UTC  

which is fair

2018-08-13 01:42:35 UTC  

@Joey4Track (POLEMIC HEART) risk of rain ill check it out

2018-08-13 01:42:39 UTC  

I didn't like Dead Cells quite as much as I expected. The unlocks and upgrades seem like they take way too long.

2018-08-13 01:42:41 UTC  

but you just have to get back on the horse

2018-08-13 01:42:56 UTC  

ill give spel lunkey another shot

2018-08-13 01:43:00 UTC  

Like I got to the blacksmith and gave him 10/1000 of the first upgrade

2018-08-13 01:43:09 UTC  

Get that mod for Dead Cells that give you more cells so you unlock things much faster

2018-08-13 01:43:19 UTC  

I don't mind that it takes a long time to upgrade stuff because I play it on the can.

2018-08-13 01:43:28 UTC  

Spelunky is not that great on the Vita though, you really need a better gamepad

2018-08-13 01:43:53 UTC  

need dat precision

2018-08-13 01:44:17 UTC  

Actually playing for hours and hours grinding stuff would suck, but playing 15 minutes while taking a smash isn't too monotonous.

2018-08-13 01:44:36 UTC  

but the graphics and music aren't that great so I made the Spelunky Metroid mod that changes all the graphics and music to Metroid 😏

2018-08-13 01:44:45 UTC  

I play my nintendo switch on the shitter

2018-08-13 01:45:09 UTC  

The only way to fly.

2018-08-13 01:45:16 UTC  

Everything is just more enjoyable on the toilet. This is scientific fact.

2018-08-13 01:45:25 UTC  

Number one console for number two.

2018-08-13 01:45:28 UTC  

I play SNES on a high-def TV

2018-08-13 01:45:33 UTC  

eating on the toilet, not so much

2018-08-13 01:45:54 UTC  

Why would you do that

2018-08-13 01:46:41 UTC  

Sometimes I drink coffee on the toilet because I just made it and I don't want to drink it cold after I'm done.

2018-08-13 01:46:46 UTC  

i dunno.. seen it on r/trashy tho

2018-08-13 01:46:53 UTC  

Eating on the toilet is efficient

2018-08-13 01:47:24 UTC  

As George Carlin said, "Eat a snickers on a toliet."

2018-08-13 01:47:30 UTC  

3DS and Vita