Message from @Rouqen
Discord ID: 485315844268621826
countering your point and taking away from your point are two different things, matey. Looks more like you were being a dick to be a dick.
10 bucks says the girl on the left is 'Jewish, and not white'.
tbh I'm tired and not in a great mood so if I seem like a dick, that's a fair observation
choose one
thequartering made a video kind of related to this a few days ago
I want the clubs at school to be an escape from social justice
not promoting it
everything at my school is infected
the fucking book club only reads far left "literature"
Actually, practicing Jews tend to agree, the 'Secular' Jewish are an embarrassing problem...
the _Book club_
where in the name "book club" does it say "push an ideology"
Not in a way that's, like, demanding of a solution of any final sort
I couldn't fit "liberal arts colleges are a mistake" into 32 characters
but there's a tendency where ethnic Jewish + Atheism = Off the rails...
Guys I am very happy rn
why is that
Now was day three
And I found out both of them are conservative
Are they conservative, though?
Like, legit conservative?
Or do they THINK they're conservative because they listen to Sargon of Akkad?
One openly supports Republicans
The other is against the lefts points
So yeah
By the Left
both immigrants btw
do you mean against Tim's points, or against Cortez the Red's points?
Its kinda funny
Hey remember when Grade A Under A attacked someone with 87 subscribers
How do you not know that
Who's Grade A under A?
Sounds irrelevant...
The guy who got baited