Russian Bot

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good, hope the best for him at GITMO, his surfing vacation hopes he hangs 10, oops I mean they hang him 10x

so google can import demons to our dimension with no repercussions...... its the ghostbusters ghost containment device and makes the entities serve the operator. Kinda sounds like witchcraft and demonology mixed Together. yay!!!!!!

is grabbing other dimensional entities and holding them in the ghostbuster style containment field and making them do our bidding a good thing? wonder what others think, look up quantum computing and they say its that what I just explained above, contemplate and then answer! curious if I am the only one with my hackles raised.

the hitler shake

the newest hottub accessories, gots me a hot tub, fire, water, zero degrees and me naked in the woods, what could go wrong.......

my bubbler, which I did not know came with the hot tub, smells really bad if you whiff those bubbles, came right from under where I am sitting

I wonder if sitting here is considered "a slight simmer" and afterwards a broth is born?

Tim says " beat ya, slow poke"

tim with out his hat

Tim's brain being a leftist

Californians can now "Keep what you Kill" Riddick the movie is now realized

new at 10, how to "Avoid the Necromonger car driving Experience, Don't Walk-Take Uber!"

word is lot of ISIS assholes are caught including Al Baghdadi

8Kun seems to be starting to get up to speed, boards loading much faster

23 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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