
Discord ID: 325767776595738624

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Hey all!

@ManOWar General Propertyyyy.


It's going good man. Feels good man meme:D

Been on the discord for a awhile with a other name. But this is like my gaming account i guess you can call it. (I got to high and forgot the password for the schadow007 account:p) hehehe

and i din't have the channel on this one so fixed that ๐Ÿ˜„

they should have gone for like 0000 Like she was the first prototype for a spy cause you know Men are weak against boobs and ass:D

@Happy Humble Hermit Hey how is it going?

Oh yeah just started a new job so things are looking up millhouse:p

Yep and like started a new hobby. However sometimes i feel like a strong pull towards like woman or like thoughts about them. you know like what if shit. It goes away cause you know think logically and boom that shit is gone like a fart in the wind. But that pull though holy shit:D the programming runs deep. ๐Ÿ˜„

yeah but hopefully the pull will get weaker and weaker with time i think. You how else do monks do it right. I think after a time the pull is like a breeze.

has anyone seen ; a scanner darkly ? it's a movie with robert downey jr and keanu

I'm thinking about watching it tommorow. i downloaded it but have to wait:p have to go sleep soon:D

its like a trippy movie btw:p its like with this rendering on it that makes it look drawn over

Hey all what's up?

Hey all sry that i've been mma for awhile


ah thx man:D how have you been?

feels good to be back:D

lol i was going to ask you the same thing need some money:D


Help a belgium guy stay alive and buy some weed:p

sure man let's gets fucked up and have a sick party up in here:D


gonna go sleep guy's. see you all tomorrow

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