Bobby Woods
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Any theories on whats underneath the Flat Earth
Could be that its water or saleen. Is it a glass dome idk but we are probably in an enclosed system or simulation @Human Sheeple they are weak on space...
yeah alot of people bashing but no one able to explain what underneath the flat earth lol
@RidleyChozo thanks for the link was a good listen
anyone got some pictures of the curve and or video of the spinning ball <:uh_duhh:583617741684998154>
so its a ball hologram <:uh_duhh:583617741684998154>
every cult needs a charismatic leader haha...(disclaimer say "no" to cults)
well according to reports of the clones being thrown into wood chippers when they are expired...could be a much different world we living in idk
is flat earth real news or fake news
I was able to observe the flat ness of water and the motionless earth
spinning 1000mph wow
becuse they are holograms
Ive actually checked the above reverse shot from moon to earth or a similar one from NASA's site and when you adjust the image I could see clear square edges around the earth. Like it was cut and pasted then rescanned.
one guy i debate with on fbook posted this link about some of eriks work
article refers to his work as "Verlinde's new theory of gravity "
from the article: "Verlinde now claims that he not only explains the mechanism behind gravity with his alternative to Einstein's theory, but also the origin of the mysterious extra gravity, which astronomers currently attribute to dark matter. Verlinde's new theory predicts how much gravity there must be, based only on the mass of the visible matter."
@fuck ikea theres some FE memes with stick figures out there somwhere lol we got our best people working on it <:uh_duhh:583617741684998154>
i was under the impression its around 1 bill usd to send a person to "outer space" 4mill sounds cheep
NASA selling seats for 50mill right?
or space x whatever
question: Gerson therapy harmful to patients thus banned in the US or because it is affordable, useful, and available to everyone. In regard to plant based diets.
would a water droplet be considered "curved water"
@Sausage lack of resistance to their surrounding like water or air...
wood will float of fall depending on density
im alearner <:uh_duhh:583617741684998154>
the wood is dense so it falls through the air...right
why do you need gravity at that point....becuse we are in a vacuum???
hmmm seems like wood would fall through the less dense air with or without gravity
the weight of the materials ...but i get your point what would stop it from going up not down
that part is not sure clear but ok so....gravity on a flat earth or only on a ball haha
why is there such an extraordinary effort to lie about space....if the earth is in a fact a ball
magic invisible forces pulling toward center mass...un observable
good question lol
is there legit video of the mass falling in a vacuum
ohh dayyummm
@Human Sheeple is Flat earth GOD lol <:bahahaha:485147430740951041>
nice work 4 real man!
nice drawling haha @Sausage would you post a real image of what you feel shows the cuve / ball the best @Human Sheeple what is the shaky light footage didnt understand this proof saw it before
Im just having trouble observing the spinning ball. the math looks good great people wokrd that part out
i have an emmy for outstanding VFX so im decent at analyzing images if that helps
if there another angle of the "blast off" from the shower curtain space pod
like looking down or parallel to the horizon?
that autonomous moon camera nailed that take off shot perfectly
the reaction lesson 1 image makes sense @Sausage hard to tell if thats what we are experiencing
Mark had a tough time defending Flat Earth on national geographic. He could be an actor...
The refraction of light diagram 5:43 was helpful thanks
why my master class link post get deleted <:uh_duhh:583617741684998154> more of a self help class then space science lol
J.J. Abrams Nears $500 Million Deal With WARNERMEDIA some great alien flix coming down the pipeline
Vaccinations can hurt children when in the developmental stages of body and mind.
I feel its flat enough to risk whats left of my professional career in Hollywood as a DOP to share FE on social media. some of the posts are doing well like 300 plus comments.
Lost a lot of records at the library of Alexandria
yep Hollywood is a sess pool...i aint in thier club
hahha no my nick name was given to me when I was making an award winning soccer doc about the US national team after player "bobby woods" us national team
the US soccer program is pumping pride right now
dont really care people preference but shilling the TRANS life to kids...savage
The hidden messages in marketing wasn't enough...teaching kids this crap is an abomination.
getting some rebuttals on the challanger flight crew anyone got soem more evidence i can present. the snopes fact check articles trying to debunk it are weak.
been busy the last couple days great gif's haha how would the convex earth be different from a flat earth? Also wanted to share this with some animations of FE.
<:uh_duhh:583617741684998154> that makes sense now thanks like inception film.
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