Discord ID: 561374547191005185
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also, "morally, incest is bad, but there were only 2 people in the beginning so everyone is a sibling or cousin so every sex is incest"
nah, creative mode
God is that one friend in a server who can go creative mode
god: believe in me and I'll save you
also god: follow my orders or you won't be saved
also god: I'll kill every species except for 2 of each kind
@SandokanTheTigerOfMalaysia very good assuming what I am
so basically
god is a dictator
@Ascenial thats sad
who said I'm a homo?
see, god may exist, I don't believe in him for personal and objective reason
god might be real, I'm in the natural state of non-belief
thanks sheeple
anti-vax or climate change deniers?
both are bad
both affect other innocent people
mandatory vaccines helps others too
herd immunity is a tging
listen, vaccines contain substance like aluminum and methylmercury but they are in a very low amount that they won't affect you. you consume more of these substances from food
and, methyl Mercury isn't harmful at all
sodium explodes in contact with water
chlorine is toxic
sodium chloride (salt) is harmless
chloride changes the properties of sodium and vice versa. same with methylmercury
Mercury alone is harmful if injected, but the methly group changes it's properties
@Bibleman you don't eat the methly mercury
@Bibleman it's nit mercury, it's methlymercury
also, there's mercury in fishes and other seafood
do you stop seafood?
only attack vaccines
you eat more formaldehyde and aluminum from food
@Bibleman those tissues are use to cultivate the cells as some only grow on tissues and nit in petridishes.
also, vaccines lower health risks. starting from 1960, children death have lowered (that's when vaccines started to be famous) and since 2018 (when anti-vaxx movement started) death from preventable diseases have doubled in America itself
also, aborted fetal tissue and monkey kidney cells aren't in the vaccines
aren't they just used to make the vaccine?
morality is weird
@Commandant a old meme
god might be real
but I won't believe in him
just don't wanna
maybe it was because of my depression
of 4 years
+a lot more
respect women
hippity hoppity, women are property, amirite? @Satan
bill wurtz
Michaelson morely experiment wasn't conclusive cuz it tried to prove ether and failed
also, the two lasers deviating a little was the expected result and the actual resukt
gravitational waves are real
stop lying
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