Poka Gal

Discord ID: 436144451140714498

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Good Morning, y'all! I am from Alabama, USA

2018-04-30 08:05:17 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

good evening. how can I watch the things that are running on discord live ?

Thought: could the five-period ellipsis from Q mean EXFIL, the MI acronym for Exfiltration? Meaning, the opposite of infiltration and/or exiting undetected? (ref. Wikipedia under MI Acronyms).

I think that it is safe to say that we are here on this site because we are all aware and have un-sheepled ourselves. Just like representing Jesus on earth by our actions and deeds, we must do the same with our fellow Americans. Let them see how we speak and act, and let us be bold with love, kindness and understanding. So, in order to win Americans over to the Patriot side, we must be ready to answer any question and back the answer up with fact. Lots of work ahead of all of us, Patriots! Might want to consider getting those little copies of the Constitution and Bill of Rights to hand out like Bible tracts.

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