Patriotic Beats

Discord ID: 352283666925223938

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Gotta be

Good morning. I assume the live stream is being addressed?

Roger that

Ooohhh. Im A-

Thank you i saw @hippie_gypsy

someone drop this to the live stream

Cant get the jom fetzer video to play

here we go

This was all SR doing right?

Gucifer created by Russian GRU?

just wanna be clear

Thought that was Soros programming. Or are they just saying that for cover

well we know through emails that Soros was involved in the voting machine rigging

Russia is our enemy no longer!

how to power level up in discord? lol. my gamer side is kicking in

answer, THE CIA lol

im sure its already been discussed

putin knows what our media is like

marsha marsha marsha lol @Polly

Does anyone remember the website that guides you through your local and state elections?
It had information about the candidates and such. I remember it being mentioned a while back.
We need more tools for local and state ballots. If anyone has some sauce on this please tag myself or @Thumper

This site seems pretty helpful you guys for getting to know your local and state ballots and candidates @everyone

good, its working ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

wheres the sauce on the mueller probe

yeah thats what I thought

fuggin shills

i think it was a shill

i asked for sauce and they dissapeared

all I see was an article from yesterday

@Dizzy Kincade you got sauce on the WH ending probe?

oh ok my bad

new Q

hows it going @V77

its a really big one

yeah just more summary of whats happening since going Mainstream

Yes I am

Im waiting for the boom but I doubt its coming (illegal votes and stuff)

i wanted DHS to let the cat out

yeah I did today and it was helpful

I love Wray's answer just now lol

i dont know how she holds it together. acosta woulda woke up on the floor if it was me

Sorry California! Time to start more fires?

wow just saw the new Q

good for her!

KEK <:lolol:430293779472318475>

Soon as you say the Office of the President isnt the enemy of the people Jim

kates a babe!


great job as always

I can also help with discord tech issues too if you need help. I told 412

ill be around for another hour

A theory on last night

Ok Just catching up today. Is the JA news real? Is he really gonna testify?

I have a sneaking suspicion that hes already here, and has been here but either way thats good news

ok so Trumps Approval with African Americans is at 29% or 21% I need some good sauce

can anyone clarify

Do we know if there are Q videos in spanish available?

articles get lost so fast in here lol

Saudi Women on Harleys now lol

Damn you beat me to it

great shows with good dog!

kickin that ass

I surprised we havent seen a FF today

Claims of a tape huh? Is this the best they can ?

@RadixVerum yeah, they scared after that 757 picked up every sheet of paper in Arkansas yesterday

well that didnt take long lol\

anyone have the link that @Grand Torino is sharing

the african farmer

nevermind I got it

welcome to the party!

so @jack is pretty much F'd

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