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its a meme based on the bible, which i believe is a history book

if that makes sense

captured this screenshot of Tyler and i dunno where else to share it so here

not sure how... lol im new here

ah thanks


indeed, although my username is referring to Jack Kelley from the musical Newsies

sadly no

i wish

kinda hard to do when ur not in the midwest


damn i wish i was in south dakota tho

so free

it is. tenessee would be nice too

id live in sleepy hollow

absolutely not

mormons also read the book of mormon,

the torah is in the bible


the differences in religions is mostly where they put their faith/authority. Mormons place a lot of authority on the book of mormon rather than the bible, jews are not christians either because they place their faith in works rather than in the character of christ and what He did for humanity

this is also true

sorry, i didnt catch your religion?

so @Kriegs Commissar McCraw, the problem being (to me as a christian) that your faith/authority is not placed entirely in the bible, but also something that a man wrote

in my opinion, if the bible is truly the sovereign word of God, he would keep it true no matter what translation it was in. yes, some things get lost in translation but its not impossible to track back to the root


which we believe to be false prophets

good point, but Christ fulfilled every promise and prophecy in the bible except one, which would be the rapture (that He would come back one day)

He can speak to every one of us individually now, why would we need 'special prophets'?

they came before Jesus

As christians, the holy spirit lives inside of us, we can have a personal relationship with christ, and it makes no logical sense for us to have 'more important belivers' after that time

but how can you know that revelation was genuine?

but trusting Jesus is a little different than supposedly having a revelation, and maybe it didnt go against His commandments, but that doesnt mean they go along with the commandments either

i may seem angry, but im writing this a calmly as possible


but still, know that im not saying anything out of anger here, i know i come off as fiesty sometmes

okay, good

literally me sometimes

why would God reveal anything like that to us?

didnt Jesus say that no man would know the time nor place of the rapture?

what's d&c just so we're clear

so, im just saying if we wouldnt know the time of the rapture, why would we know anything about the afterlife?

okay, thank you

adding to this, i personally don't believe that the human mind is capable of comprehending the magnitude of the 'afterlife' if thats what you would call it

to learn about?

alright. I'll look into it

john macarthur is good. i like the bible project and the bible answer man

jesus wept for the sins of humanity that were placed on his shoulders

who ever said we cant retain followers?

so, you're a "mormon"

okay, well i would prefer it if you dont put my faith in quotations

it is very real

if you are a "mormon" why are you defending it so much? this statement makes it seem like this entire discussion was pointless

that's catholocism

we did

but you just admitted that you dont really follow those practices

because one faith contradicts the other

but is it on finite and non-important issues or on the true character of God and where authority is placed?

*the holy spirit

but at the same time it is also one in the same with God and Jesus. it is a trinity. it is completely uncomprehensible by the human mind

like i said, incomprehensable by the human mind

Jesus was 100% God AND 100% man

its impossible, but it's also true and very possible

it literally is in the bible

"hanks for your question. If youโ€™re looking for an exact quote, then Iโ€™m afraid that the Bible doesnโ€™t say this anywhere.

Why do Christians believe that Jesus was fully divine and fully human, then? Well, we look at what the Bible does teach and we seem to be compelled to adopt this view.

For example, Jesus claimed, โ€œbefore Abraham was born, I am โ€ (John 8:58), clearly alluding to Exodus 3:14. He also claimed to be one with the Father (John 10:30-33). He acknowledged that he was the Christ, or Messiah (Mark 14:60-64; compare with Daniel 7:13-14). He also claimed that our eternal destinies hinged on our response to him (Luke 12:8-9).

In addition, Jesus is said to be the eternal word of God incarnate (John 1:1-3, 14). He is called the Creator and head of the church (Colossians 1:15-20). These are just a few of the passages which speak of Christโ€™s deity or divinity.

Other passages speak of his humanity. For example, Jesus was conceived and born of a woman (Matthew 1:18-25). He thus had a human body. He experienced hunger, thirst and fatigue (Matt. 4:2; John 4:6; etc.). He suffered and died (John 19:34). He could be heard, seen and touched (1 John 1:1). He evidenced the emotional and intellectual qualities of a human being (see Matt. 26:37 and Mark 9:21).

Again, there are plenty of other passages concerning Jesusโ€™ humanity. When theologians try to put all of this together, they conclude that the Bible teaches that Jesus was both divine and human."

-michael Gleghorn

read that to yourself again

how is it different

im not trying to convice you of anything, i am simply representing my Lord and Savior

lol i dont really care, but im not bi or anything


all i can say @Kriegs Commissar McCraw , is that i will keep you in my thoughts and pray that eventually you seek and find God's truth in His Word and His Word alone

goodbye, god bless

ill keep that in my prayers as well

i should go, this was a very good discussion and i enjoyed it.



The only things jesus asked us to remember was yes communion AND baptism

@Shield Hero are you a bible college student or just know the bible rly well lol

or a pastor or something

cool. you seem to know it very well

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