Texas Nick

Discord ID: 443279583131861012

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oh hell, i knew i saw her before



@Forsaken.Rhoeth it was only a distraction to the link i sent you

@Forsaken.Rhoeth they have those huge ships in the ocean now that can create quakes out there to cause them

standard oil linked to saudi arabia

aka rockefeller

thats so funny

who lets a civilian on a tank right?

taxation is theft

would you consider him a degenerate if he defended england against muslims?

his name isnt even tommy

pretty simple

mossad -> anti islam

same as EDL

EDL probably was created by mossad

@Mixy everything's big in texas

including the anchors to the rest of the usa

@V77 who?

oh ya

"Don't Mess With Texas"

@Mixy i refer the term "white male nationalist ist ist ism this ist that" ๐Ÿ˜›


and im white male cis gender heterosexual straight decent looking non-soy alpha male --- so im really screwed i guess

if there was anything else evil i guess i could be then yes


and im christian

so there ya go

with german heratige



@Andy Sam they also keep saying "evidence" (there is none)

shes cia recruiter at google

so ya, and her yearbook says it all

how much more aweful can someone be than what she does for that abortion pill job

@Tex Patriot she is also of course but ya, he was too

@Tex Patriot her family is also involved in HSBC i think?

or was it some other bank

no wait

it was some other bank


as crazy as that sounds, that entails all the details of "the sun"

and the historical symbolism in it


@Forsaken.Rhoeth so they are wearing black shirts... so they could pass as mellenial conservative goths.

this is great

sorry mic is off

@JonJon its called "political shock combat"

ww2 trench warfare style


i really dont care who hates Q

news is still news

i have better things to do than psychoanalyse every news caster on the internet

@V77 actually hes cia, but if you think every single person out there that isnt Q isnt useful thats pretty foolish

that entire "us vs them" will kill any team

when you're more worried about 'who' it is than what information you're taking in, thats dangerous and a way to start using identity for no other reason than to cause problems, thats a well known fallacy in argument

you cant scream "sauce" on every single thing in life because you dont have it, no one does

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