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2019-07-22 18:00:54 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #memes]  


This meme confuses me?

Hes a false prophet to them so idk it didnt make sense

I just dont see israel as a peacekeeper in the middle east as well

I just see a lot wrong with the meme

In my personal opinion

I dont get the whole straw thing just drink out of the cup lol

Nothing sandwich

Its always been a nothing sandwich

@TheGingerNinja u from the isles?

@TheGingerNinja are you from britain

Oh nice

2019-12-24 22:39:54 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #psb-text-only]  

How long will the calls be going for? @Babyrock

2019-12-24 22:49:43 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #psb-text-only]  

Okay sounds good!

2019-12-24 23:57:19 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #psb-text-only]  

Cant get it to work sorry

2020-01-01 00:33:56 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #psb-text-only]  

Im thinking biden might win texas in 2020 if he gets the nomination

2020-01-01 00:39:23 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #psb-text-only]  

Trump is barely winning there


If trump starts a war with iran he will not get my vote.

Im 20 years old

Im a college student getting a bachelors degree in STEM

Iran will retaliate because of this it will most likely cause another middle eastern war


So we have to kill an iranian general for what reason?

And iran will now double down on funding

How is this protecting our people?


They literally defeated isis in the middle east

Theres no proof there

Thats neocon garbage

If this begins a war in iran trump will be no better than bush

Point is you have no proof

Simple as

I did

Theres no proof. Its an excuse to yake military action against iran. Same as the documents used to provoke the iraq war

Why were they fighting american allies in the middle east?

A transcript or recording

Youre not answering my question youre deflecting

Then we need to not go to war

Why are "terrorists" in a foreign nation americas problem?

Again you have no proof


Why were they fighting americans answer thay

An attack you mean throwing rocks?

They were literally throwing rocks

We dont need to be there

Its not our country

Killing a nations general is most certainly an act of war

And he will cause a war

Just like bush

Iran attacked us really?

Trumps a neocon

Ok boomer

Keep believing neocon propaganda

Its literally just another war for israel

Neo conservative

How is this protecting a base when we are bombing a nations general

Right there. Theyre trying to push iranian forces out of iraq because they destroyed isis and the FSA forces in syria

I dont support a foreign war or foreign involvement

We shouldnt be there at all and all american troops should be withdrawn

Iraq doesnt even have a functioning government

Because of the iraq war and killing of saddam hussein

And CIA funding of terrorists in the region

You just compared 9/11 to this

Iran has done more for destroying isis than the US

Ill be in voice shortly to discuss

Its harder to type this all out

I said i will be in voice shortly to discuss


Christians are protected more in syria than in israel

Because israel has a history of trying to force us into wars in the middle east

Ie. Lavon affair uss liberty etc

Doesnt matter

Israeli influence through things like false flags and AIPAC cause these wars

Israel falsified the documents used for justifying the war in iraq

I dont hate jews or muslims

I just dont want to be inbolved in their affairs


I want to abandon the entire middle east

Because its not America

We dont make trillions in the suez canal lmao

We spent trillions in the iraq war though

Because iran just promised retaliation

According to the NYT iran has promised war

No we have been setting up a pretext for war with iran for 20 years

Nice red herring

Is that why QUDS literally fought ISIS and al qaeda?

The IRGC has been helping liberate iraq and syria from isis

White helmets were with al qaeda

No they arent they literally fought each other

No they dont they literally say the white helmets are just doctors helping people against isis

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