Greyson W. (YouTube Channel)

Discord ID: 273991302608191501

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Didn't the republican's get rid of superdelegates like years ago?

Why haven't the Dem's managed to get rid of those yet

I mean the Bernie voters do right??

poor bastards

lol didn't know a lakehouse was involved in that haha

but yeah he cucked hard in 2016


just more failures of capitalism

the top 1% lol

but don't worry guy's he's principled

was he a confirmed red orrrrr?

I was gonna say

@Jokerfaic yeahhhh not exactly scathing these days

"look at my opponent he want's the venezuala"

"venezuela bad"

how to spell

actually at the time they were well off with oil werent they

honestly a smart move

makes me wonder what's gonna happen with this primary round

I can't tell how it'll shake out

With mama Tulsi around it's hard for her to corner that demo market

if I were a dnc leader I'd be throwing darts at a board at this point

not disagreeing

she's just in the way

right that's what I'm saying

like what now?

eh democracy blows anyway :p

you say that like she won't be already


i mean if people are complaining that they CAN'T be amazonian wage slaves because of something you did then it's just over

yeah election tampering is our thing


I like the term

wagie wagie get in your cagie

Crowder tl;dr

well damn

@Tiberius too lazy to try the socialist arguments but "poverty is bad" there I did it

@breadmoth I'll take you up on that


colonialism begets genocidal/authoritarian (worst/best) behavior, and that's bad for the humans on the receiving end


reconquesta is bad right?

oh I think he left


lol heritage foundation

@Jym >starting out

exactly right

nothing more


what do you have to do for that

@breadmoth So you have no problem being conquered yourself right? It would just demonstrate the weakness of your people?

"needed" disease lol

So that's a yes lol

the weak deserve to be conquered

and now the muslims are conquering you


it wasn't

you're correct

first they came for the western europeans...

and then nothing happened

and everything was fine

true true

@Tiberius having fun with these cat's we'll play along

I think he'd be okay with being conquered if that's how it played out

it did

like 90% of it?

I mean home turf + guerilla tactics + numbers

not a bad shot


this guy

you're a native bro

you're a native

fuck the natives



I dare you to search it out

post research

for a friend

and then the land fell to deforestation

for agriculture

and animals

and stuff

too many results?


that's amazing

>in the US

yep sounds right

but they prayed for the tree after so it's fine <:thinkcummunism:462305204877131786>

oh names are fine dude lol

traps don't count


sorry I didn't mean for you to get banned or anything posting pic

blurring sounds like too much work lol

Cheyenne Silver claims french and cherokee

apparently Jayden James? looking at this article


research complete


well we all know that Jewish girls love black guys so

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