lancerelliott {CARTHAGE}

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`i am become superior intelligence`

Its not Molech

Shit which one was it

Book of Kings

The Prophet Elijah challenged Ba'al

Ba'al got his ass zapped.

my uncle is a californian liberal

he called me one day

asked what communism was

i was worried

now he's a 'reformed capitalist'

hates everything trump does

"New york times = fake news"


News I don't like = fake news

Thats whats its turned into

Well they do mean something, depending on the award. You can argue that it's trivial when used to compare to the modern credibility and impartiality of a paper. A favorite trick of prestigious papers is using loaded words.

@FLanon My uncle said that, not me.,

That is fake news

Forever condemned to be labeled a baiter.

^ bad thing to say when trying to sway independents or rally Reps ^

Ben for President 2024


Fat acceptnace

Theres something so intoxicating about an immigrant success story.

You can't help but *admire* successful hard-working immigrants.

This whole Kavenaugh thing is actually infuriating me.

We have half of America who wants to allow accusations alone to be translated into an instant guilty verdict.

The amount of Red Herrings is sickening.

The low-level tricks.

Vice just posted a video in which Indians talked about their rape experiences, and then ended it off with a narrative about how Kavenaugh must be guilty.

How does `other people's rape experiences` affirm the guilt of a man in a seperate case?

And did she call the police?

She called her local Democratic Party office.

And they strategically waited 62 days before they came foward.

Lying fuckers, and no, not the women neccacarily, but the fucking Dems.

Muh feelings.

Feelings don't constitute a justice system.

Feelings don't constitute economic policy.

Take your tears and lying vaginias and fuck right off.

bad move

What steps is this group taking to ensure their efforts don't end up in already deep-red echo chambers and actually reach out to independents whom comprise 60% of the voter population.

@FLanon Perhaps if Trump didn't sleep with pornstars and go around assuring everyone the election would be a "red wave" turnout would be higher amongst deep south Conservatives.

Imagine every fabricated scandal of 2016 being reinvestigated countless times, potentially having the President be subpenoaed under oath followed by hyped impeachment proceedings.

Trump should be screaming at the top of his lungs and sounding red alert.

Instead he boasts about fictitious gains in the polls.

I didn't like Trump that much, and I fear he's made the Left so angry, beat them so hard, they're morphing. into a New Left, a New Left of socialism and big government.

`anyway, he is MOTIVATING his supporters to go out to the polls(edited)`

Have you seen any of his recent campaign speeches.

`that can actually help us more than it hurts us`

Socialism is hot shit.

Perhaps in the long-run we'll see a schism within the Democrats but thanks to Trump they're united in anger.

Stop being overly optimistic.

Daddy Trump is fucking up.

I think you are.

You insist that Trump isn't being overly optimistic and encouraging complacency, which he clearly has been.

He refuses to admit something is wrong, which goes hand and hand with his prideful personality.

I suspect he'll start to freak out soon.

But only when it's far too late.

"They keep talking about this blue wave" *audible booing*

"I tell ya, I tell- it's going to be a red wave" *cheering*

C o m p l a c e n c y

L o w V o t e r T u r n o u t

I am scared Julien.

Trump is freaking me out.

I feel like he is messing everything up.

*I* want to, but *everyone else* thinks theres no need to because according to Daddy Donald it's gonna be a yuge 'red wave'

And yet I have polling data amongst registered Republicans that shows their planned turnout is much lower than the Democrats.

Opposition party getting increased turnout during midterms is a historical trend.

But he ain't doing that.

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