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Am working on a theory but it involves radar and planes as far as I can tell they are not accepted by the community or am I wrong? As well as flight plans. I want to chart a flight in stright line. Refuel mid air.

Looking for a copy of a map of flat earth that I can charter flights plans with if that makes sense?

They feel sad for us that we fight over fuel other useless stuff and have adult who think santa and unicorns are real then leave move on to next planet.

Looking for a copy of a map of flat earth that I can charter flights plans with if that makes sense?

@Citizen Z am looking for a map that the Flat earther people use to give to a local pilot in order to charter a Flight course and its fuel cost. Am a very affluent person and this year I am planning on taking a trip around the world using a local pilot who I have used many times. I got talking to him about my idea he seem to want in on this but for health and safety he need to chart a flight plan and give it to UK CAA group in order to get the go ahead. It would be very useful to have that map that you guys use as the normal one I have post is meant to be wrong or something when I looked into this.


Also the map we have been looking at is this one. can you tell me is this the one people use if so we can make a sort of flight plan from it.


@Citizen Z Thank you for the video and sorry. No where did I think i was being disrespectful or being disruptive am a 47 year old retired guy looking for information about said topic as I have only after wtaching a Discovery Channel show found about this topic but you call it trolling okay then I will stop? I was told by others of this server who I have had many talks with that this is a place where you can look for information and have a civil discussion. If you feel I am out of line then feel free to Pm myself as where not in school yard and its my understanding where all adults and sure we can sort issues out.

Not sure if we have any gamers here am not into it myself but Free game if you log into Bethesa.net Launcher and use the code TES25TH-MORROWIND you get The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY version not sure if that a new one or not just read it on my news website thought id share the info.

Does anyone read SCP stuff? I was listening to my kid watch this video about the monster and it was very thought provoking. It seems to be a god like thing that could control our reality and change it as it see fit. Now guy in video said something that got me thinking about our reality. The god like thing could change us like it was reading a comic as to it were not real just story it read but to us we see are self as real? So like when we read comic we know that it's just book but to the hulk or spider man they think there real and we're not lol bit of mind fuck. How mad that sorry for long post. Food for thought I guess.

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