
Discord ID: 322901659405778945

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2019-03-16 21:34:27 UTC [The Ice Wall #members-log]  

2019-03-16 22:40:26 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

<@&484511709009281037> I would be keen on having the coveted role of verified flat earther

2019-03-16 22:47:39 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Because we have clearly seen that the death star is round but there is plenty of evidence for a flat earth

2019-03-16 22:49:41 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

The earth is clearly flat, there are obvious pictures that prove it

2019-03-16 22:50:28 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I will send you one @Technomatrix

2019-03-16 22:52:29 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Did you not see the image I sent you @Technomatrix

2019-03-16 22:52:36 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

It shows the edge

2019-03-16 22:54:47 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

The moons not real, get over it liberals

2019-03-16 22:58:11 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Is anyone here a real flat earther, if so, who are they?

2019-03-16 23:11:37 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

@Xeal;A that doesn't apply if the moon isn't real

2019-03-16 23:12:45 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

@Xeal;A I don't know about that I'm very autistic

2019-03-16 23:13:47 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I can't argue with that

2019-03-16 23:14:00 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Gru's nose is more than a foot long

2019-03-16 23:14:11 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Imagine gru's nose in your asshole

2019-03-16 23:21:38 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

tin foil is my fetish

2019-03-16 23:27:27 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  
2019-03-16 23:29:39 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

@Ross that's gross, earth is flat

2019-03-16 23:30:27 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

@Violet (QT) it put on some weight but it's almost flat

2019-03-16 23:31:06 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

the moons not even real

2019-03-16 23:33:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

@Ross that's wrong

2019-03-16 23:33:34 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

@Violet (QT) have you seen despicable me, gru snatched that

2019-03-16 23:38:35 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

This is a pretty good explanation of gravity not being real https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPJUBQd-PNM

2019-03-16 23:39:10 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

@Violet (QT) Watch the video I sent

2019-03-16 23:40:19 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

@Violet (QT) No, i think it proves my point

2019-03-16 23:51:43 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

that's not a working model @PizzaPerson check your dms

2019-03-17 00:10:18 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

May I please speak

2019-03-17 00:10:57 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-03-21 02:00:33 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

the earth is flat, no argument

2019-03-21 02:00:47 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

it's just too obvious

2019-03-21 02:07:02 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

But like let's be honest, the earth is flat

2019-04-01 21:28:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I know that a lot of you guys are satirical but are there any fellow real flat earthers out there?

2019-04-01 21:28:28 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-04-01 21:28:57 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

The ball test of 1967

2019-04-01 21:29:33 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

@mecagodzilla (logged out rip) have you heard of the ball Test of 1967?

2019-04-01 21:29:50 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

It basically proves it for once and for all

2019-04-01 21:32:07 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

Are there any additional enlightened individuals such as myself that would like to seriously discuss the flat plane that is the earth?

2019-04-01 21:35:08 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I think that we are on a flat, simulated globe and chem trails are keeping us from seeing that

2019-04-01 21:36:40 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

The earth is frog shaped, itโ€™s slowly going towards another gay frog shaped planet until they both collide

41 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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