Discord ID: 435160935750172672

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@ape actually feels more likely than flat earth

@Citizen Z how is he any less trolling than any of you

But now tell me how does that picture prove that the earth is flat?

But the earth doesn't curve that way, it's huge

There's no math

There's just a bunch of outcomes of math that's probably not correct

And also it just triggers me that all of NASA's photo's are all fake but we're supposed to trust of the information youre giving us


What would you believe?! A massive organisation with the tools to send satellites into orbit? Or some random people on the internet looking for the tiniest stupid little things to base a conspiracy on

That's just a huge huge hole to me...

You're interrupting heavily in all the conversations

@marshedmelon I'm not sure what flat earthers generally believe

Yea they believe there's a massive ice wall

Well... people have been on antartica and it's simply an island

@Nutsack jones they'll mysteriously dissapear

@CheckmateSSBM only for the actual people been into space

And gravity

And everything

@✧Mike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)✧ I believe you over all the educated scientists in the entire world.

@🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄 there's enough physicists who can explain all about it to you if you need to know how gravity works

But I'm not equipped to give you the details on how that works


Did you degrade to that kind of reasoning?

I trust in people who devoted their lives and studied physics and learnt about it, studied it.

I trust in the most plausible of reasoning a.k.a science

I think you shouldn't call me bro

@🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄 definitely yea, I trust in observations and probability

The probability of the earth being round is higher than it being flat

That's exactly what science does

Science is about obervations and finding cause effect relationships

We observe gravity

Hang on let me mute this dude

@🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄 no it doesn't but that's like I said... the way science works. Science doesn't care about possibility but probability. The reason we believe in gravity is because it adds up and works for our theories.

If something more plausible debunks the idea of gravity science will adopt that.

The probability of gravity existing is just highest

It adds up and we can work with it

I find it hilarious how I got muted for believing in round earth while this guy is a total d*ck

@🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄 but with that reasoning everything is not real

Because we can't accurately prove anything

Because everything is based on observations

That's the entire reason we adopted science, it's the highest of probabilities

If there's a bigger probability of the earth being flat we will adopt that

@Tejiu The Gecko yes I know

But just for the sake of the debate

@Nutsack jones those are not experiment that present any prove

Is the problem

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