
Discord ID: 153356606631968768

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I wonder if alistor crowley was just sitting in a log cabin all day playing with one of those

Holding true to aristotelian philosophy

assumption of innocence


or presumption, 12 dollar words

I'm just being cheeky and naming mental learn'ed standards that non-whites don't do

I would moreso consider them guilty of the things they're guilty of voting for, rofl

I have 2-3 bantu coworkers but only two of them are unbearably incompetent

2 outta 3 not bad amirite?

well you see you say bantu around a black person and they'll think you're talking about computers


I like the term bantu

I can't wait to " ban " them " too "

That'd be hilarious

WHATCHU SUCKAS TALKIN BOUT, buncha crazy words and shiet

we would need a peak-optics black man in this movement, like black dynamite

@Kingfish I think that would be saying another member in here is being a real maxine right now

I would never consider them inhuman, and I don't think those optics would ever fly unless it was in a group of people that just recently suffered violent from them or something, even then thats kind of extreme

lol, ayylamp

use the term " non western " instead

way better

for real though someone needs to make an absolute book describing how to be a white advocate and be against civnats and not trigger people

I want to be a burrito vendor on a campus, while white

I thought germans were all into sausages

that's pretty hot-dog-esque

The real way to win the arguement is to be more sharply dressed than the wal-mart scraps the opposition is wearing

well, whole foods DOES sell shirts

you can tell trump watches a lot of WWE because he body-slammed all those BOOMERS

Trump has literally been on WWE, rofl

if you have faith at all in anything you know she will

If life gives you lemons you turn to darker gods

chaos - w40k

" I would rather live around white people " " OHH SO YOU'RE SAYING YOU'RE A RACIST? " " I mean a little- blocked "

rip friend I've known for 3 years

those in-depth proofs are for -us- in order to sell us on the fact that we're on the right side of doing things for our people

we need something else for normies

I'm still not sold on the idea of non-gain tax -users- being unable to vote as a bad thing

sure that's really civnat of me but still

>Tfw we find out your level of sentience is determined by your souls experience-level

Hail king JEB



IDK I've listened to catholics on AM radio up here and they're

Ohh man MEMBER that debate between nick and patrick little? oof

nick is still salty towards him to this day

>Tfw there's a zog-bot reading your screen

ohh yeah that totally made up society of nobodies sounds totally believable

" ASHG Denounces Attempts to Link Genetics and Racial Supremacy "

" Guys this is really hurting our funding plz be nice "

We all know they're low-key furry and love it

I would just state my opinion that somalis are the worst muslims


I loved that meme

" el ogro "

^ I read that in gilbert godfrieds voice


autismo extraordinaire



look at the left side of the door

he shouldn't have said the S word

There's a little 3am mr.hyde in all of us

ohh I get this meme now

IE after-dark, the ex-neckbeards are in control now

I think studying math is the most neckbeard thing possible

The guy who made dwarf fortress is the only doctrate of math I know


well yeah

that's just annoying

and discord is too stupid to even have a reply feature



hans, get the flamenwaffer

how're you gonna drive to your mcsilo with no ROADS?!


I'm pretty sure posting satanic tumblr questions is grounds for a purgin'

ohh not about roads, lol

I forgot what the questions was

there was a bright flash and a man in a black suit told me it was swamp gas



seriously imagine the look on feinsteins face trying to dig change out of her purse at the toll booth to her house

Does anyone get this, I don't




I have a real almond burner here

something to keep you thinking

are these people trolling or unorinically respecting npcs

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