
Discord ID: 219487222913695754

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COMMAND HELP - Displays basic bot info and invite link.
spambot.invite - Displays bot invite link and server link. - Displays this help (no, really!)

Server Owner / mod_role useable only:
spambot.conf - Configure the server settings
conf get <Key>
'displays the current configuration value'
conf set <Key> <Value>
'modifies the value for your server.'
conf view
'displays the current server configuration.'

spambot.conf set ban_level 10
spambot.conf set prefix >

Available configuration keys:
prefix - <String> (false to reset)
'custom server prefix. the "spambot." prefix always works regardless.'
kick_level - <Int> (0 to disable, Default 10)
'mention count at which to kick the user from the server.'
ban_level - <Int> (min 2, Default 15)
'mention count at which to ban the user. Removes 1 day of messages.'
mod_role - <RoleName> (false to disable)
'the name of the role that has permission to change config besides the server owner.'
modlog_channel - <ChannelID>
'the ID of the channel where mod logs should be posted (warn/kick/ban). Bans always trigger a message regardless.'
get_global_bans - <Boolean> (true/false)
'set to "true" to automatically ban known spammers from your server.'

@Deleted User, Due to a possible bug in the conf system it is disabled until further notice.
**Your server is still protected** but conf remains default or your previously set values for the time being. Apologies for the inconvenience.

@Deleted User, Due to a possible bug in the conf system it is disabled until further notice.
**Your server is still protected** but conf remains default or your previously set values for the time being. Apologies for the inconvenience.

**System Commands**: ```asciidoc
= General =
spambot.conf:: Define per-server configuration.
spambot.enable:: Re-enables or temporarily enables a command. Default state restored on reboot. Display help for a command. Provides some information about this bot.
spambot.invite:: Displays the join server link of the bot. Ping/Pong command. I wonder what this does? /sarcasm
spambot.stats:: Provides some details about the bot and stats.


No-Mention-Spam protects against mention spammers: user bots that spam your server by mentioning multiple users in a single, or multiple, messages, in bursts.
It does *not* protect against any other kind of spam such as large messages, lots of text messages, images, invite links, etc etc.
NMS is now built on the Komada framework, a plug-and-play bot builder using the Discord.js library.
Both are made by LuckyEvie#4611 (aka `root`, user ID `139412744439988224`).
For more information on Komada visit: <>. To report NMS issues visit <>.

Missing a required option: (set, get, reset, list)

**System Commands**: ```asciidoc
= General =
spambot.conf:: Define per-server configuration.
spambot.enable:: Re-enables or temporarily enables a command. Default state restored on reboot. Display help for a command. Provides some information about this bot.
spambot.invite:: Displays the join server link of the bot. Ping/Pong command. I wonder what this does? /sarcasm
spambot.stats:: Provides some details about the bot and stats.


@Deleted User, Please provide both a key and value!

No-Mention-Spam protects against mention spammers: user bots that spam your server by mentioning multiple users in a single, or multiple, messages, in bursts.
It does *not* protect against any other kind of spam such as large messages, lots of text messages, images, invite links, etc etc.
NMS is now built on the Komada framework, a plug-and-play bot builder using the Discord.js library.
Both are made by LuckyEvie#4611 (aka `root`, user ID `139412744439988224`).
For more information on Komada visit: <>. To report NMS issues visit <>.


โ€ข Mem Usage :: 195.96 MB
โ€ข Uptime :: 12 hrs, 54 mins, 39 secs
โ€ข Users :: 64961
โ€ข Servers :: 1113
โ€ข Channels :: 16733
โ€ข Komada :: 0.10.0
โ€ข Discord.js :: v10.0.1

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