thiccy cheeks mgee

Discord ID: 718669862356123658

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Na dude gotta do the kobe Bryant


They can't lick our dick



I am wanted for selling mustard gas and IEDs to the mujahedeen

This is my type of guy

I love bri'ish fascists

Do you have Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley, 6th Baronet

I got a new cat

I will not kill niggerman

Because he's dead

They took the Indian off butter

Just get a simp husband

Imagine sleeping like a retard

Hockey fun

Wait shit



5 minutes

I shouldn't be allowed to make decisions

Every man's a beta to women

I woke up at 6 went back to sleep got proper up at 8 then went skiing after that I had some lunch and beat my wife

Well from the sound of it you're irresponsible with your work mainly from lack of caring

Also dudes kinda hot ngl

Yeehaw cowboy man

Southern boy

Cheeky bri'ish "person"

Mask is retarded

Owen gun cool

The better Thompson

Which m1

This is a m1

Ping ping motherfucker

2021-01-11 16:02:32 UTC [Blue Lives Matter #memes]


Many normal people became terrible nazis

A couple of months in poland and you're shooting pregnant women in a field

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