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16k are left?

Be hopeful, thatโ€™s all we can. Harris will fuck our country if they win

I still feel good

They call all these blue states early but if trumps winning they have to wait

Makes soooooo much sense

Iโ€™m trying to, itโ€™s hard right now

Ready the Calvary bois ๐Ÿ˜‚

Itโ€™s time to charge into battle ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

Iโ€™m not accepting till I hear from@trump. Thereโ€™s too much fraud going on

Lmao no Iโ€™m not, there is still trials to go through and recounts. Once those are done Iโ€™ll accept it

Wisconsin and Michigan are recounting, and there are trials in AZ and PA

Like I have says lots before there is obvious fraud and yes Iโ€™m 100% sure. They are going on rn. We wonโ€™t know till Friday

Look if biden actually won LEGALLY Iโ€™ll accept it

So far itโ€™s not fully legally. Iโ€™m just waiting, Iโ€™m not in denial

Yes, video evidence, whistleblowers the whole 9 yards. Wait and see

I have a shit ton of evidence saved in my accounts, that video was one of many

Yโ€™all can give up if you want, Iโ€™m not going to lmao I will accept it when itโ€™s officially over. Until then we are still in this

Ok, Iโ€™m still not giving up lmao itโ€™s not over until the fat liberal sings

Trump is issuing recount in GA, just saw this. Just letting yโ€™all know hahaha not saying it will help but itโ€™s happening

MI, GA, and WI are all recounting

Yes, itโ€™s from Trumps legal team themselves.

No I think trump will accept the recount results. Heโ€™s not going to pull a democrat

It means nothing till recount

Yes lmfao there will be. I think I said yes before

This election will end in the Supreme Court

I have seen this many places, but someone simplified it on Instagram. Greg Aselbekian. But I have heard and read many sources saying there will be a recount. If trumps official pages have said it

Iโ€™m not just saying shot from my ass

To which, the guys account?

Also 3060 or so confirmed voter fraud in Nevada

And Georgia has been at 99% ballots in for 48 hours now

The guy?

Itโ€™s a pic of what trumps team has said multiple times just simplified on one document

All we can do is wait

The recount will probably be confirmed or denied by Saturday

Plus no matter what trump is president till January anyways

Lawsuits inbound in Georgia and recount coming soon. This isnโ€™t over and Iโ€™m still feeling good

Wait for the lawsuits and recounts to give up at least guys. Donโ€™t lose faith in a man that has backed us up for years

Yes we do lmao they are recount WI and MI rn, tried telling you this. GA will be by Sunday starting to. Just wait. And this WILL go to the Supreme Court

Yโ€™all can lose faith thatโ€™s fine. Iโ€™m waiting for the courts to give up

Guys, trump will bring this to the courts, most of those states with recount or they will redo the whole thing. There are lawsuits (confirmed lawsuits) in GA, PA, Mi, and Wi. This will be brought to justice. They cheated with HARD evidence and no one can deny it anymore. All we can do is trust Trump and back him up till death

In PA we won a lawsuit to get them recounted and have our own observers in the counting room but dems are still not let us in, against the judges orders. Thatโ€™s criminal. If they have nothing to hide, they would let us watch

This wonโ€™t get resolved this week or next. This will take time. Trust in Trump

Trust in his team

I do too. They need observers from both parties there, to counter both parties

See, thatโ€™s hard ass evidence of fraud.

I hope that shit is fixed in the recounts

@Texasreaper we are here for you brother

No donโ€™t give up!

We can fight this shit!

Wait till the fucking courts, they called it early because they are scared. I swear to you this is going to the courts

It means God wills it

Itโ€™s the crusade motto

This isnโ€™t over

They are calling it before the court dates on purpose, donโ€™t listen to anything

This will end in the courts, the media doesnโ€™t decide our President

Iโ€™m done looking at the media and the charts, both of those donโ€™t matter anymore

The courts matter, Joe Biden can suck a dick until Monday when the courts start happening

This is my thoughts too. If Iโ€™m wrong Iโ€™ll admit when proven wrong


We just have to clue patient and have hope. Trump is still fighting the fraud and we need to stick with him till the end

Yโ€™all remember when Al Gore was called by the media as winner but Bush became president? Yeah I do too

They called that Election early too and the media was terribly wrong. Be patient yโ€™all and donโ€™t listen to the left

Lmfao it would be absolutely hilarious. I will spend the next 4 years laughing and every one of the@


Media doesnโ€™t call the shots around here, Joe Biden isnโ€™t certified winner, he is still projected. The case in Nevada and GA will be next week too and GA and WI still need to recount. Itโ€™s still 50/50 in my eyes

This is gonna get juicy boys and girls

lol nope did watch the lies

its still not over thats why

Full audit in Pennsylvania

Big things are about to happen

And not to mention the lawsuits start today. We will officially know the REAL winner by December 12th. Joe is the fake winner rn, media has no say in the president -elect

PA is back in play putting Biden at 259, in other words not president elect


It begins boys and girls, the time has come for the comeback of a life time

Look it up. He is 259 and Trump is 214

What map did you look it up on

Cause it changed on realclearpolitics

Lol you can believe that or PA house sec of state who put PA back in play

Iโ€™m gonna believe the Sec of State since they call the states, not the media

By barely anything and Those late votes are about to not count at all

Ok believe that if you will. Iโ€™m just letting everyone know heโ€™s not president elect anymore

Voted by mail and late votes is different

Plus they are being segregated so they can count and investigate them better.

Not even the Mexican President wants Biden. He refuses to accept Biden till the courts are done

and I mean they come in Nov 4th or later

All votes are supposed to be in by Nov 3rd

Thatโ€™s why they give you so much time to send in mail ins

Then the ones post marked after nov 3rd are getting segregated and investigated.. I was just trying to say heโ€™s not the president elect anyone since PA is in play.

Also on a different note, thereโ€™s evidence the mail system marked them as Nov 3rd when some came in late which is not ok

Itโ€™s gonna get juicy this month

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