
Discord ID: 219339889613733898

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for sure

Dillary Clump

republicans be hittin that copium pipe

literally just a dude talking about ballot fraud

thats not proof

just petty

again literally just a person talking about the person in front of them

not proof

republicans are being such sore losers it's really cringe

absolutely no evidence

theyve been blue before

2008 and 2012 wisconsin and michigan were blue

except they cant prove theyre real ballots

how doesnt it add up

trump had the lead last night because they count in-person votes first, then mail-in votes

nevada wont update again till tomorrow

lmao republicans talk about fake news so much but they put out the most fake news

he's gonna raise taxes on people who earn more than 400k

youll be fine

lol you really think biden's gonna ruin the economy?

so many crybabies

wahhhh theyre cheating

wahhh i'm making claims with no evidence and no one believes meeeee. trust me bro i got all these videos from twitter bro pleaseeee wahhhh

i've seen no proof of fraud

drop some empirical evidence my guy

not just a min long video of some trump supporter not getting their way

# registered is as of the midterm elections

which county did those votes come from?

Yeah they gotta board shit up because trump supporters are storming counting places demanding they stop counting

@Erby where did those votes come from

im asking where those votes came from

@Birbdude most of the people caught voting twice were trump supporters lol

so how are you all coming to your conclusion if there hasnt been an investigation

@Black Squadron in a 10 sec clip taken out of context?

cool bro

bro i addressed your "proof"

@Birbdude look what i wrote after your "evidence"

if someone was caught committing fraud theyd get arrested

whos gotten arrested

and trump supporters storming counting places demanding they stop countin


look up detroit

lmao rip

there was a pandemic

thats why they sent everyone a ballot

and democrats told their supporters to vote by mail, and republicans told their supporters to vote in person

proof that in person voting is 100x more secure

majority of republicans voted in person. majority of democrats voted by mail

certain states count in person votes and mail in votes at different times

well if you can tell me what county it was we can see if its typically blue or red

no im not

the votes came from somewhere

also there was a typo in one of the michigan reports

it was corrected

nah dude im asking for legit proof and you guys literally just link twitter

can you link the original video/full context

this is one sentence

sorry didnt mean to paste the first one

i do not condone this message

lmao idk kinda

the percent of registered voters is not from this election cycle

more people have registered to vote since then

fAkE nEwS

t r i g g e r e d

lol ur mad cuz its truuu

sorry not mad

you dont think its funny because its tru

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