AlitaV.99 Kawaii Desu

Discord ID: 301672861016522757

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Just mention trump


Go stalin 2020

Im curious as to what they might be saying in bidencord

"Senate Majority leader"

Imagine if biden has dementia, wins, and forgets he won

> I say we just give it to Trump, and *tell* Biden he won.
@DishonoredRonin good one

I like how it's hotter lol so keep it going the way it has been

Nuclear is more sustainable and cost effective. wi

Oh snap


*Oh do these people make sense*


Im losing braincells from these people

just found out, im one of the two republicans in my class out of 20

teacher asked why republican. I was like 'I do not like biden, and hell yeah second amendment'

> Ur supposed to be a bleeding heart liberal when ur young.
@Awmanthisgirl it really is pushed upon us

i've always thought otherwise as to what i was told from teachers. Lots of blm stuff, lgbt stuff, and guns bad. Really annoying to say the least/ You gotta 100% agree on everything it seems.


i love debating with my teachers or others in class once they disagree with me

it's fun pissing them off

> Oh, I do to
@Dstar_Destroyer eyy

IT is my jam atm

i hope this aint right

biden 290?

reported that dude from insta

fuck him

voter fraud would be funny tbh

shows how corrupt these left dudes are

last time i viewed the polls i think biden was ahead but iunno how much it has changed

*sloppy joe*

i sure had fun voting

vote for dementia yáll

i will say i do think they thaught i was a neo nazi when i voted

i got this hair style that really screams it atm

> are you guys worried about antifa rioting if trump wins?
@SupremeMandalore why do you think they're trying to barricade shops

aNtIfA iS jUsT aN iDeA

OwO Whats this? Oh dementia

does their lol sound more like lul?


i mean i can only wish that if biden does win, that it will be riots up on riots by blm, antifa, weird random shit and that itll all go to shit to show how much better trump was


would consider it funny in a way


r/politics is hella left


hunter biden is the bro lmao

why do biden supporters say trump is anti gay? He hasn't really done anything against them did he?

exactly what i thought

some literally said he took away trans rights and gay rights, yet i cant find anything about it happening lmao

the same person actually called us trump supporters snowflakes. Well... it's the other way around

what stuff did he ban actually

have been googling for half an hour couldn't find much

> @AlitaV.99 Kawaii Desu its a few but most of it was for degrees
@PolarTies alright

if you filter by counties

im aware

what did he say


they both didn't win yet

i just i want trump to win can't wait to see some lefties crying and having mental breakdowns

biden got more because the current generation has more consistent snowflakes

instead of 20/100 around 20 its more like 50/100

so it seems at least

and also because they have false believes about what trump has done and are all for equality yet devide every group into boxes

theres hope

> This is why we should not lower the voting age
@TuneJam i agree

i think we would yes

i lived in holland from 2017-2019, and i can easily say that all the news there was rather left. I was there as my grandparents from my dad's side where dutch and i studied IT there for that time period


holland is weird tho ngl

oh yes

yes he is

i just wasnt used to it

small roads

barely any parking spaces

and it was cold as fuck

little cars too

dutch food

confused me

small supermarkets too

MacDonald and kfc definitely sucked harder there too

nice people there tho

alstublieft meneer

my bestest dutch

where y'all getting your statistics from?

oh snap

oh zis

what texas

georgia 94%

reported it says


pupper walk time now tho

c y'all later

y'all come join me in the mass grave in nyc

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