Discord ID: 462350278557958144
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Make Singularity Great Again
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rRIqrWuYy4 skip to 16:00
i dont know about that ive seen some ugly guys in mug shots
doing good. just got off work. raining and lightness everywhere
i think you should always be careful when meeting new people?
make a stuffed animal into a weapon
anything can be harmful someone said
whattttt ๐
ive seen a small kid threaten a bigger kid with a fork
that banana
i saw the whoole thing
i think for practical usage in a knife fight i would just throw it at the guy's head
i think the biggest chance joe Biden has to getting presidency is cheating
i heard that if he wins he will make masks mandatory everywhere. not exactly sure how he will enforce that
im tired of wearing masks wish it was just over already
yeah let me give you everything i dont have plus more
any creative things you guys have done recently ?
i wonder if its possible to make memes for a living sell your memes 100$ each
i see
horror game
just get an N-Word Pass
probably because more people voted this year than last year?
where is the link to this police chase???
If the Goal is the destruction of America Winning or losing doesn't matter Starting a war does
Kekistans Unite
just saw two videos of people in PEN who were filling in blank ballots
Very Fishy
Pennsylvania Counters are filling in blank ballots!
@๐บ๐ธ GrPilot9 ๐ฎ๐ฑ what did you do for sukkot/Tabernacles ?
I went to Yosemite to celebrate Sukkot. Had a fun time Camping. Lots of beautiful sights and hikes. Meet New people as well. I haven't learned how to blow a shofar yet also i just wish the smoke was non existent @๐บ๐ธ GrPilot9 ๐ฎ๐ฑ
No I just keep the Torah Holy Days and commandments. Not sure which tribe i am from. Either way I serve ๐ค๐ค๐ค ๐ค @๐บ๐ธ GrPilot9 ๐ฎ๐ฑ
I am one who crossed over from death to life..... I am Hebrew not Jewish
No, but I do have a question for you How many tribes were at Mount Sinai?
can you name them?
I am one of the 12 probably not from Yudah
Im guessing Ephraim
no way to tell
I don't know Exactly its just a guess
Your Levi? Interesting... Have you been preparing for priesthood lol?
I have a question for you if you don't know that's fine .we are all still learning . According to Torah when a man divorces his wife and she then remarries to another man if then he dies she cannot go back to her previous husband . If she wanted to remarry her first Husband how could this be achieved? @๐บ๐ธ GrPilot9 ๐ฎ๐ฑ
what about Death ?
What if that Husband dies? and then is Resurrected? Is she Free to remarry him ? @๐บ๐ธ GrPilot9 ๐ฎ๐ฑ
Maybe you can ask one for me and tell me what they say?, Shalom @๐บ๐ธ GrPilot9 ๐ฎ๐ฑ
this video is a bit outdated but still message still stands
for a culture to sustain itself it basically needs 3 children per family
Europeans are becoming extinct
what was the video that was 1 hour someone recommended to watch?
can i listen?
@MrAconite i just want to listen please. if its not to much trouble?
Google is playing fake news aswell
this fight is far from over
@chase_piccard let it go this time, Learn and Adapt
the simplest way to start a war usually involves the death of a leader
Petitions don't work i think about 99%.... the best chance for Petitions to work is with hand written signatures
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