
Discord ID: 399660690324848650

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I live in misery <:swagcry:653088409547702272>


0% interest in europe, why not

Iceland seems Coolio

<:linkcringe:738023080613642240> rough

the smell of pot makes me so dizzy ๐Ÿฅด

I can never tell if it's skunk or weed tbh


these flags the hell



some troll



Spine really went <:VoteUp:666497310129127424>

no more party parrots :'(

piss snow

chemicals <:Ben_Cringe:752572527120875520>


did they work for cnn <:kek:736272729593872384>

news channels just need to not air with everything the ly spew

the only time I've ever held a snake was one of those giant yellow pythons in grade school that was brought in

for like some zoo thing

Theres reptiles called red eyed skinks and they are really cool looking

but it does exist


They do a swim

and look cute doing it

I fele that is a rightful purpose


cute lil pink things

Yeah they also inhale their food

Maybe kirbys inspiration


Very relevant

Frogs can be massive


you thought it was a kangaroo?

Think again, its spiders

Lefties don't have brain capacity for that

yes please take 100% of my income papa government

yeah we don't need any more of <:Trigglypuff:758720194646114385> running around

Bread is bomb

Favorite bread, go


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