Discord ID: 316635584233734144
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I heard here be memes
I got banned from a server for this
I was in a Lgbtq+ group and am lgbtq+ and still got ranted at and banned for a meme
Said I was insulting and dehumanizing those who identify outside the gender norm
Been in that group over a year. Then posted that meme and everything went to shit
I got banned from a transformers server because I was asked if I supported BLM
Oh I told one group my pronouns were warplane because my old pfp was a plane
Pissed them off to
Also if you make your pfp a stuka with a waffle photoshopped onto it you're automatically a nazi
It was a B-17 for that incident though
The super offensive meme I used as a pfp
I was told I was glorifying nazis by giving them cutesy names over a waffle plane
You cannot escape the snowflakes anywhere . The transformers fandom, a fandom where there are many characters based off of military vehicles.. but if you use a ww2 vehicle oh lawd they coming for you
Don't you dare draw a fw-190
Got told it was offensive because it killed people... In a fandom heavily inspired by military vehicles. I got banned when I asked if they could name a vehicle that hasn't killed people
And I'm apparently automatically a nazi for drawing it even though I've drawn Spitfires and B-17s too
Go sleep. We gotta bomb some peeps tomorrow
Okay don't fall asleep while over target
Which plane is in your pfp or is just a pic off google?
Oh that's the one that went down
I got to go in Alluminum Overcast
Wonder if they're gonna try to repair nine-o-nine. Haven't heard anything on it since it crashed
If you want to join me in <#721886072702763059> I'mma post plane pics
I got sum spice
Are spicy ww2 memes allowed?
But I've got an anti racist ww2 meme
~~thats still dark~~
Yeah kind of
Heh ha
Wait so we can make fun of lgbtq but not Jews 🤔
If a vaccine comes out this year I will probably not touch it
Not me. Not until I get more money to spend at random places
Gave a movie theater all my spare money the day before yesterday
What it was the only place still open that wasn't walmart
I'm getting bored of marching in circles in walmart because it's the only place that's not my house I'm allowed into
I'm just slightly happy that the state below me didn't go back into lockdown.
Though still mad my home state did
But I live right next to the border
Illinois can't afford it but they doing it anyways
Then again this is a democrat state so .. that's probably why
Covid lockdown is just the government trying to make it look like they're doing something about something.
That's my theory
We care about peoples lives they say. Suicide rates have drastically increased since the lockdown. Proceeds to lockdown anyways
Lockdown: fixes one problem but creates 20 more
Is it really worth it?
Yeah. I'm half convinced the riots are so bad this year because of stir craziness
#NLM no lives matter. Pls end all humans
Hey Russia come nuke us pls
And then nuke everyone else including yourselves. End humanity
Blm is like a virus
It is spreading and killing
Same with lgbtq mobs
I've come to the conclusion there is a difference between lgbtq and gay
I've met chill gays but it seems anyone who waves the lgbtq around is scary honestly
Or the ones who claim gay is a personality trait
Them are annoying too
I'm bi but they still hate me anyways
They don't like my easy come easy go attitude when it comes to people making gay jokes
Oh there's been some fun rumors about me
Been blacklisted on at least 10 servers
And that was before I started making nazi jokes
After being called a nazi 20billion times there was a time period where I was like "you want a nazi have one"
And that was after being banned from 10 servers
Like if they banned me during that period id get it but they banned me beforehand and I did that because of all the bannings
A lot of people
First started when I drew a plane
I was sketching ww2 planes. Drew Spitfires and B-17s but I drew one fw-190 and they went apeshit
That's what I told them
And then they called me a nazi sympathizer
I also discovered something
People have been getting the "Gen Z" tattoo but...
Its the SS logo
When the leftists who call us nazis act like nazis
Wanting to restart history... Wonder who else tried that
I mean I make rude jokes some nazi related but I've never actually acted on anything of the sort
Yes it's an SS symbol
The police even for that matter
Funny story. Protester shoots at driver trying to get to work. Misses epically and hits two other protesters
That happened
I feel the mods are out to get us
I'm not
The admins are coming for us
A meme asked what id do if something happened and I replied Id just die
Got dmed a warning
Froski has muted the president
I smell liberal
Wasn't it relevant though
Admin liberal spy
I drink liberal tears
I have been
Multiple times
I run it off
Admin isn't here? U sure
Ooo game?
I like games
Games are fun
Are you a spy admin tho o.O
Froski is liberal spy
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