Marshall Pope

Discord ID: 559870354588434432

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You thought Hitler was a saint?

Do you think Hitler would have banned the Zeducation subreddit?

I don't think he would


It's ok, no problem

You said "you", I didn't know who you meant

Do you mean like if he was just a veteran?

After WW1?

Are you disturbed by what some consider a rise in Hitler's ideas in the United States today, as some news organizations have described it?


The news talks about it a lot

Do you think some far-left people would call common conservatives like us "nazis"?

That is true

I agree

2020-12-06 22:36:19 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Bernie Sanders can STILL win

2020-12-06 23:14:06 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Who's Tyler?

2020-12-06 23:17:14 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Who is he?

2020-12-06 23:17:54 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Oh, his name is Tyler?

2020-12-06 23:18:01 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

I thought his name was Zeddy?

We shouldn't be letting this be the new normal

Actually, Antifa stands for "Anti-Fascist"

Antifa isn't a group, it's more of an idea

They get less punishment?

In California, they reduced penalties, I think

No problem

Cali's a mess

2020-12-10 01:58:43 UTC [Zeducation #⛔|cursed-memes]

What counts as "extreme news"?

School shootings did not happen when people carried guns in their cars.

I remember hearing about someone got a tip off about someone thinking of shooting up a school and you had staff and students at each entrance guarding the school.

I think it was around Columbine.

Yep, it's a .308

2020-12-11 20:19:48 UTC [Zeducation #🗽|usa-news]  

The blue states can't cook

2020-12-11 20:19:55 UTC [Zeducation #🗽|usa-news]  

They cook in da microwave

2020-12-11 21:37:35 UTC [Zeducation #🚽|media-bias]  

Trump got person of the year in 2016, before his inauguration.

2020-12-11 21:38:48 UTC [Zeducation #🚽|media-bias]  

For people who hate liberal media, you give it a lot of glory over a magazine cover.

I thought it was on the docket?

Interesting things are happening in America

The number of states doesn't matter, I think

It's PR

Are you serious???

Did it really happen?

I got a box of cookies here that I'd like to share

If you guys want some cookies

This is kind of depressing.

Is this the end?

Never give up 💪

We all know Trump WON

It's just the whole process

We had like 20 states bring a lawsuit to the supreme court and they threw it out same day

Yo fellow leaf, what's up?


The asshole of canada?

We can call it the armpit if it makes you feel better


So Rosen isn't going to help out, I guess.

Some of these people are really sick, like you look at Jessica Yaniv, who wanted to throw a children's swim party where parents weren't allowed and clothing was optional. Same person who sued a women's waxing salon because they didn't want to wax her nuts.

When he says “foreign actors are covertly trying to undermine confidence in our elections”, does he mean that people are trying to sway people's faith in elections?

Is he calling us "foreign actors"?

@Pal3Rid3r You're in the marines?

Thank you for your service.

Well, students too

No fucking way

They're tossing the constitution?

Everyone's a political commentator these days

I got a question, like just wondering. Sort of want your take on it.

It seems as tho many gun owners "back the blue" and have complete support for police. Now, I think that's interesting because a lot of gun owners have this sense of security where if police aren't near or available that they will be able to take care of themselves and be alright, but at the same time, police will be called upon if governments implement new gun control measures, some things we are seeing in Virginia for example.

I don't know, I'm not bashing the job of police here, I just want to hear your thoughts.

People have broken into my vehicle once but have never tried to enter my home.

That's a really interesting perspective, and the saddest part about it is your probably right.


My neighbour sells "books".

What was it?

You had 2 parents? That's crazy...

It's kind of helped us a bit

People without that kind of guidence either get things right or wrong.

They learn things first hand, they get stuck in the mud.

That's why some are saying Gen Z is one of the more conservative generations.

I think even Gen Z blacks, which I think have an over 70% single parent situation are saying that they have, or are optimistic in finding, a home in the republican party.

Thank you, Bar. I appreciate your input and you really bring a lot to this conversation.

I guess in terms of my question, it's a sort of mutual respect. Like, being incredibly thankful for the hard work officers do in this country and the respect from the police of your constitutionally protected rights.

But seriously, you bring up a lot of good points, thank you for chiming in.

2020-12-15 16:13:04 UTC [Zeducation #🚽|media-bias]  

Is that Leslyn Lewis?

2020-12-15 16:14:07 UTC [Zeducation #🚽|media-bias]  

Yeah, it is

Very sick people out there.

I get up at like 2


Don't think they work

You got 30 cal, 30-06, 30-30

I don't really know

I don't know and no I am not.

If I knew who this was, I would sort it out with the right authorities.

Big Iron

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