
Discord ID: 272199520266354689

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2020-12-06 22:45:24 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

That was months ago

2020-12-06 22:45:36 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

I cant remember his name ill try and look it up

2020-12-06 22:46:34 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

I'm lost lol

2020-12-06 22:46:54 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Want some nitrus to wake ya up

2020-12-06 22:47:22 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Yeah im a nitrustoaster so

2020-12-06 22:47:28 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

And your a toaster

2020-12-06 22:47:49 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Yeah they were some pretty sus events

2020-12-06 22:48:39 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

I'm gonna try and find that video that guybibwas talking about

2020-12-06 22:50:44 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Anyone watch Bcp

2020-12-06 22:51:14 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Thats the guy reporting on that dude gonna rat on a bunch of deep state and was killed en route

2020-12-06 22:59:40 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Nah I haven't been able to play games since cyberpunk is about to come out

2020-12-06 22:59:58 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

They just don't scratch the itch lol

My old lady started eating a bunch of grilled cheese and her boobs got bigger

She's happy lol!

And that makes me happy

I'm cursed that way it all goes to my belly

Probably is meant to have a bunch of kids

When I see a larger woman that looks healthy I immediately think of how many healthy children she could have

Summer time make animals of us all

Thats how I think about it

Just instinct

We are mammals lol

Dudes have ups and downs

Its just how nature is

Summer is great

All the women hide in the winters lol

Its too cold!

Ah you can talk about it just dont shove it in peoples face

We get surprise bones for no reason until we die


Roll over wrong in the mkrning

Hes there every day ready to go

It means your healthy

If you dont get bones in the morning try and get some exercise and eat better

They also wake ya up when you really gotta pee

Just hella hard lol

Yeah dude its a serious issue

Its a sign of poor circulation and low blood pressure

Its like a dog tail. You can tell how he feels by lookin at how its behaving

I dont remember the last time I didn't wake up with a boner

Eat your veggues


Like summer!

I feel pretty good in the summer and I'm pretty sure I smell better too

I live in canada its beautiful in the winter

Until the cars wreck all the snow and turn it muddy :(

I got trees and mountains all over here

You can watch it snow on the mountain tops

All day

Its nice

I got this great snowy owl that lives near me

They turn white in the winter and are huge and they just glide in the snow

Lookin for mice tunneling in the snow

Winter isn't good for boners

Full circle

Yes until they poke out your eye!

It snows upwards here i swear

Oooh driving down the highway and watching the snow swirl on the road

Thats my favorite

Its like watching a fire

But snow

So scary

We got sudden weather change signs here that frigging mean it

Goin up a mountain its all sunshine and lollipops

Then its hail and fog on a 12% grade goin down switchback

Yes be very careful on any suspended roadway

They get a lot colder than the rest of the road

Very dangerous

Yeah it heats up fast to and ices over when it cools again

Winter driving ain't no joke

Drive well below the speed limit lol

Better than bald man

You dont want bald tires in the winter you will probably kill someone sliding into them

Hydroplaning is so scary

Slush is very very dangerous too

Avoid slush

Yeah its always worth it to just get em on

As many as you can at least lol

I got myself a set of rims from a wrecker and pit my winters on em so I dont have to pay for the switch

Any kind of acceleration is a slip probably lol

Don't drive rear wheel drive in the winter if you can avoid it

And is good. They are a little more on gas tho since its always on

Gotta watch for them dummies lol

They will literally wait until you get to them and then bounce right infront of your car

And never say YOU hit the deer

The deer hit you

Its like they assume you ran the deer down if you say you hit it

Ah thats a good man. Keep the spirit alive with some wild adventure

Lol it is if its brand spanking new maybe

As long as your obeying the road law you should be fine

Yeah bro in a country of 333 million there are gonna be people like that

People gotta realize they ARE from another country and might just not understand ooooor where they come from its easy to get away with so they do it there or wherever you live

Like there were no Mexicans where I live. Now there is and they love chatting up women and cat calling and from what I see the girls like it lol

They love women lol

Lol I watched a dude fly off the road and roll 3 times so we got out to go help and the guy just crawled out and ran

He was gone in 5 seconds flat

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