
Discord ID: 708582404910219336

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*b o n k*


"Huh, a woman that supposedly had covid was shot several times.... must be the virus!"

I just realized

every criminal out there

is probably having a blast

by having to wear a mask

> But I keep hearing reports of it
@Dr. Mathew That's simple propaganda, to tell you lies so many times until your mind just says "Well, it 'outta be true."

Don't forget about the votes without names.

But hey, if a bunch of blokes in the country can figure it out, the supreme court can.

> The old folks and stuff
@Mcgoober Yeah, like for my mom (which has an auto immune disease) or my grandmother.

But for someone young and healthy? Not so much.

AKA most of the entire fucking american populous

> They want to make lists of all Republicans and Trump supporters and hunt them down now
@Диран Михаилевыч Коморов Yup, they just wanna sell all of our jobs to some sweatshops made by some dipshit in china.

Most of the left's points against Trump are either disproven or is just throwing random slurs at him. (which definitely gets a point across on how they aren't racist)


The lefties made an only black park in their little playground in Seattle, but we're supposedly the ones who divide everyone.

> Just curious: Would anyone here like to help create 'Fantasy Politics' for a book?
@Okori Inaka I'd like to help.

maybe on weekends though

Something sinister.

> I have not read Ben Shapiro's book, but I was looking at the episode list for the podcast *Behind the Bastards*, and they described his book as racist.
@The Central Scrutinizer "Hey, you aren't liberal! Racist! Racist! Racist!"

> "The reasons are uhhhh, vote Democrat"
@JudgeAzule "Vote blue no matter who!" It's a pretty stupid concept, right? They're basically saying to not judge by a canidate's characteristics, but by what party they're in. If we don't do something soon, that concept will become reality, we'll be like China, not being able to insult a blue canidate because they're "soooo good"

> @PresidentElectHandomanian in this last election I voted for a mix of red and blue because there were a couple republicans on the ballot I really didn’t like
@VulpesVulpes And that's fine! Not every canidate is perfect, even if they are on the party you support.

> There was this one guy on the ballot who was all “vote for me because I’m gonna make some big changes in our city” except that he’s been a city councilman for decades and has done less than nothing, and he was running against this dem who’s actually a neighbor of mine, and the dem got elected to city council last year, immediately putting in place a bunch of pro business and beautification projects
@VulpesVulpes I agree with your decision then, you didn't choose just because "HE IN MY PARTY DURRRRRR" you chose because you actually cared about your city, and I respect that.

> I believe the best citizen is one who pays attention to all information points
@VulpesVulpes Yeah, hell, if I could vote, I would vote for Amy Mcgrath in Kentucky. I'm not a lefty, but she ain't either. She isn't a party member, she's someone who actually wants some fucking change in the state that i'm not even from!

> Oh I haven’t heard about her, what’s her platform look like?
@VulpesVulpes Her platform is to fix the bridge from kentucky to cincinatti which is famously dangerous.

and much more.

She wants more jobs in the areas.

Whoopity doo.

epic little sack man


welcome to the server

I only joined a day ago so i'm not sure if i'm qualified to welcome you but i'm gonna anyways

very POG

Open to new ideas

very pog sack

> What are you guys talking about?
@hope_lowis14 we're talking about pogsackchamp

also yeah that's a poggers moment

I mean, alaska will probably always be red.

Too cold for their brain to believe in propaganda.

Same here.

Well, atleast the state i'm in now is red.

The state i'm from is blue.

Damn you, Connecticut. Why do you have to be blue?!

D of C sounds like something from a cheesy rap song about american politics


> Can someone explain to me why there are so many bronies and furries in the military
@The Central Scrutinizer They're not afraid of shit. They dress up in fursuits while in a very public convention. You need balls of steel to do that without leaving in 3 minutes of that.

> Isnt that the point of fursuits though being to obscure your identity
@The Central Scrutinizer Yeah, but it's still gonna be embarrassing to the average person to even wear it, so they still need balls of steel.

> @PresidentElectHandomanian I've been told they get really hot and stuffy really quickly too so they're used to the heat i guess
@ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty Yeah, 'outta be unconfortable in that thing. Same heat as the average middle eastern battlefield.

bobius rules over all of us now

> Fursuit will keep you warm in the cold desert nights. It will increase your hitbox range, but if your fursona is a big scary wolf you will chase those terrorist back into their caves
@The Central Scrutinizer the real way they got bin ladin

Honestly, that's pretty fucking scary.

> meh they're all angry unemployed college students
@Dark Angry is the key word, they're already burning down buildings. What're they gonna do at max level? Shoot at whoever they see? Oh wait, the NFAC already achieved that.

I mean, it'll be easy to take care of them.

They can't handle a little bb gun for christ sake.

Get a few mossberg shotguns.

Boom boom, rioters are now doom doomed

AMERICA_HATERS.exe has stopped working

> Lol- Nfac has already had about 6 or 7 accidental discharges. They are a complete mess when they show. They, oddly enough , are a poster child for gun control. Absolute idiots
@CaptainK "Whoops, I accidentally shot at Johnny!"

> You mean how if you BuMP tHE StoK On aN aR-51 iTL mAYk iT g0 0ff
@Seal "gHost sasSualt gun!!11@1! it realy har d to handle!11!!"

> @PresidentElectHandomanian it K1ks lEiK a MUel
@Seal "tON OF paOwr!11!1!!'

> Their 'march' kept being halted because members were passing out. They showed up in Georgia.. in July.. in thick black gear.
@BobiusPrime trying to look like anime characters in fucking urban camo with their little AR-15s which they couldn't even fucking hold right

"omgGG!1!1 youArre lieAke waAhitee!111! and straight!1?//1!! youaree AMaega hAitler!11!!1!11"


holy shit

you are absolutely right

everyone always goes



I swear it makes my braincells kill themselves

like how that one guy in borderlands 2 when claptrap talks

claptrap is a homie

poor dude lost his eye

then got it back


I used to have it on a fucking

playstation vita

and xbox 360

I got it for PC tho

from the uhhh

epic games thing

I only have it

for those

the first game I played was either call of duty 2 on the xbox 360 or super mario 64 on the wii

very drast differences on what games

I played

I used to be scared of the

game over screen

in super mario 64

nice nice

I like how we went from politics to our first games

lemme guess


or something

I used to love Emkay

when it had

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