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The truth could not be more obvious.

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out.


For the same reason, political "leaders" knowing the pandemic is fake, it's the same reason why Nancy Pelosi fearlessly entered a hair salon, with no mask on. Either she knows masks do nothing, or she knows the pandemic is fake... or _both!_

Actions do indeed speak far louder than words.

Viruses are real, but they do not cause the disease, they are the response to the disease. Citation: _Terrain Theory_

Yes indeed. The Wuhan lab has developed a bioweapon of sorts. It's in the vaccine. You don't get the new virus unless you get it injected.

Viruses are not contagious and do not cause disease. Germ theory is a lie that has been planted in our brains from the very moment we start learning about disease.

They don't.

If they did, we'd see people get sick in a moving wave pattern. Instead, we see everybody get sick _at the same time._


Where does the flu "hide" all year long? Who "catches" it first, and from where? Massive hole in the theory there. <:thinking:726878987837636698>

That's what we're _being told_, yes, but is it the truth? Probably not. The world is filled with lies.

Where do viruses come from? Hehe... germ theory cannot answer this, but terrain theory can.



_From your own body. Your body produces the virus in response to a build up of toxins. The viruses are to toxin-filled cells as vultures are to dead carcasses. Getting sick is the body's self-healing process... and it's often seasonal, during fall and winter._

Terrain theory is a fun read.

Nah, I've been cold many times, and that never resulted in a cold.

```If viruses aren’t contagious, then why did my sister have the flu, give it to me, then my mom, then my dad all in the same day? This happened about a year back```Again, it could be seasonal.

Correlation does not necessarily mean causation.

Scientists and doctors have observed that a virus is present in every case of a given illness, and assumed the virus caused the illness. But it's still very possible that the virus is the response to the illness... that viruses are released to clean up toxin-filled cells, just like vultures clean up dead animals.

Yes, aliens do exist. A lot of them come from Mexico.


Let it be known... that prior to the events of late 2019 and 2020... I decidedly _wasn't_ a conspiracy theorist. <:thinking:726878987837636698>

Here's the ultimate red pill. I watched this a few times, then YouTube terminated the account that had uploaded this video. Apparently he made a new account and reuploaded. 💯
50 minutes long but very informative.

It's time you knew the truth. Big Pharma does not exist to help people, it only exists to make loads of money.

You expect full paragraphs in an instant-messaging app?

Ain't nobody got time fo' dat! 😂


```Pharmaceutical research has made life better, no?```No.

We wouldn't need pharmaceuticals _at all_ if we took proper care of our health. <:thinking:726878987837636698>

```That means that trumps graph also jumped
Explain how that could happen```Zoom in. Also it's possible that during the fraudulent ballot dump, the democrats threw in some Trump ballots to try to make it look legit.

Are you becoming a fact checker? Are you fact-checking memes? LOL

OK Karen.

I just wish we could convince the masses that germ theory is false and covid is a hoax. Then we'd have a pretty strong case for taking our freedoms back without having to overthrow the government with use of deadly force as specified in the 2nd amendment. 🤪

```CONSPIRACY THEROY!!```THEROY JENKINS!```AP is not mainstream```Yes it is.



Bats are flying rats.

2020-12-03 06:39:04 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

"I am heavy weapons guy!"

2020-12-03 06:43:00 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

Send in the Super Heavy Tank!

Covid-19 does not exist.

If it did exist, we would not see mayors and governors violating their OWN "covid restrictions", instead they would be afraid of the "pandemic", just like they want US to be! <:thinking:726878987837636698>

_There is no other logical explanation as far as I am concerned._

That's not a conspiracy theory, that's a fact. <:KEK:726877368601411624>

Also, _which moon landing? There were multiple moon landings._


I think you forgot that this is the _conspiracy theory_ channel. <:KEK:726877368601411624>

When conspiracy theory is proven _conspiracy fact_, you'll be back. _Ah ha ha._ <:thinking:726878987837636698>

"Virtually harmless" and "non-existent", while definitely not the same, are very similar... so it's not entirely out of the realm of possibilities that _Covid-19 does not exist._ It could be normal flu, renamed. The PCR tests are definitely not proof of infection, the man who _invented_ the test even _said so,_ so nothing is off the table in that regard. <:thinking:726878987837636698>

That's why it's a **conspiracy theory**.


People still use fax? In the age of email and mobile phones?

Super Conspiracy Theory: This entire world we live in is temporary. It is as real as the matrix. It is a test to decide our destiny, whether it be "heaven" or "hell". <:thinking:726878987837636698>

Given what we know about stars, they don't last forever. Assuming that nothing else happens, the sun will eventually be gone, and Everyone Dies™️

Escaped to where?

Other planets? None we have found so far are fit to sustain us. Quite a scary thought 🙃

You expect us to live on Mars... after the sun is gone? <:KEK:726877368601411624>

It makes Joe a zombie.

This is your daily reminder that Covid-19 does not exist, and also that Epstein didn't kill himself.

Oh wait, Covid-19 does exist, but it's not a virus OR a disease... it's a depopulation plan. Surprise surprise, surprise to no one.

It's not a surprise in the slightest. Bill Gates is part of this operation.

DID YOU REALLY THINK Bill Gates was an upstanding guy who wanted to help us?


C'mon, man!

See the message above from the Italian doctor. There is no new virus, the tests are useless. Covid-19 is the name of the vaccination plan to depopulate the world.


Which is something we already knew. This was announced many months ago on other sites, but they were called "false conspiracy theories", LOL.

I want Mt. Trumpmore.

This is your daily reminder that Covid-19 is Bill Gates and the globalist's plan to depopulate the world, not a new disease, that the PCR test is unreliable and useless, and that Epstein didn't kill himself.

If the pandemic was _actually real_, we would not see all these mayors and governors violating their own pandemic rules and restrictions.

Conspiracy theory: CNN is actual news, but they're 9 months behind schedule. 😂

Stuff that's happening NOW will be reported in 9 months.

Stuff that's being reported NOW happened 9 months ago.

Anyway, I was kidding. CNN is totally fake news.


Wow, that video is behind the scenes at CNN 😂

I didn't know Mike Obama was white. <:KEK:726877368601411624>

Oh yeah, it's "just" a "glitch", nothing to see here.

This is your daily reminder that the pandemic is FAKE, Fauci is not a real doctor, and Trump won the 2020 election.

Also Epstein didn't kill himself.


When did I say that?

I said nothing of bribes.

You said that.

Fraud isn't a conspiracy theory, it's a fact.


Well, plus they found stacks of pre-printed ballots with the bubble already filled in. Already covered this in <#760648730431979560>

Did you see his speech at Mount Rushmore?

"We didn't say the poison vaccine causes female sterilization", only that it possibly _might_ cause female sterilization"

_IT'S POSSIBLE?_ Are you mad!? Nobody should take any vaccine ever.

It is not _facts_ that require checking, it is _lies_ that require checking. <:thinking:726878987837636698>

So many Trump rallies, speech from Mount Rushmore... President Trump is one of the greatest public speakers of _all time._

Well duh, aliens are real. Many of them cross illegally into the USA from Mexico.

When people say `China released the virus on purpose`, I feel the need to say: There is no virus. But if there was, its release would _not_ be an accident. <:thinking:726878987837636698>

Why do I say `there is no virus`? Just think for a moment. If there WAS a virus actually flying through the air and killing people, they (the CCP/Chinese government) wouldn't be able to control it. It would infect the "wrong" people, and so it would bite them in the ass. No, instead all we need is the _illusion_ of a pandemic. A "test" that says `you are infected`.

I guess symptoms are not needed, now that the false narrative that one can be "sick" and "asymptomatic" has spread enough to become mainstream along with all the other misinformation.


If you still think covid-19 is a real disease that exists, and not simply a depopulation plan via vaccination, you have not been paying attention.

Not on my watch.

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