
Discord ID: 215939432828633088

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I have joined

Dont let your rage take over, it's what they want

I'll reach the point many people will gather and storm these companies for censorship

Discord lite is the only sort of social media I use

Remember idiocuty is controllable

Tim is an odd case

I belive the Roman library a.k.a. the library in Egypt was destroyed due to the same reasons of today.

Its quick

I always wondered why I avoided collage

And I then learned why

People seemed to come out of them dumber not smarter

So I ended up doing trade school

I'm working in a career in welding, cuz theres always jobs for welders

Ah electrician


That's why you compare and save information on all your work with a friend

To see just where the bad is


Well, if she lived there, she wouldn't have a tounge

That's what losers do

They dont learn anything

Winners take advantage from the loss

And try again

I literly joined the discord due too the video

@BigSimp17 you could secretly leave notes that are conservative with your non dominant hand, while wearing gloves. I'll be a field day for you. Just a suggestion.

@BigSimp17 There are more creative ways if you use that noggin of yours


Ah yes I am weeb

@BigSimp17 I dont think you could just make Biden, if anything he was an accident.

I'm guessing outside secret funding

I did

Speaking of kids, what's with the news thinking ani.ation is for children

And what's wrong with that?

I belive being denying of other contanuitiew is terrible.

On the whole bible thing, I'll say the punishment of the tower of babel is still ongoing till this day

People with guns are peaceful, cuz no one wants to die

People without them aren't as terrified cuz they dont have the fear of death

Funny how chaz just ended

That "mayor" will be a laughing stock for a while

Someone should make a rap about Joe Biden, called sleepy joe

WWIII Is China vs the world change my mind.

That's why China wants to support liberals

Not the old school liberals tho

Using your enemies people against their own. Is strategic war 101

Yo what the fuck

This is the full coverage of Floids death

Absolute media bullshit.

This was leaked. Meaning it was kept hidden from public eye.

This is really driving me to actually cause the burning of the media buildings

10 signs to tell you that your a fuking idiot.

This happened in CNN

And CNN ofcorse dosent think about it.


Only solution

Screw it

No human will ever be a god

And there so called perfect utopia wont happen either

Through fear, and suppression there is peace in equal despair and sadness

But not fulfillment

That's all communism can achieve

The irony in my name

Is sharp

I cut to the point, no bullshit

I dont do excuses

I literly don't support anything that will lead to the death of thousands


No human creation, will ever not end up with someone dead

Dam irony. I cant bring myself to kill, but I do want to hurt those that never grew up on no's, but just yes's.

For me, death is a death sentence

And how does one end up in said machine

Oh I remember that

Hello asphestus

Oh a metaphor

Oh greed, no ends

Or iners

Wich never grew since

Sure, we are having an "open season" on black people

I predict someone will end him by poison gas

And those rims,


Brain fart

I could literly go and look like a lefty, and then say someone in the riot called so and so a faggot.

And watch some fun


We have guns

Gun goes bang

Watch this

This will be a Teddy R Roosevelt all over again

When the country goes to war

Election, trump stays president

I'm getting a feeling that China wants to nuke Europe

Ignorance is bliss

But as u said

Were them EMP bombs at tho

Your right

Control trade, and information, control the world

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